A Phone Call To Her Mother


'Home.' The place she has always run away from since she was 10. She sighed with the memory. 

The sex was good with Jiro but it is not enough reason to stay. She smiled inside bitterly. She tightened her arm around him. She wanted to keep him closer to her a little longer before it's time to leave. 

"Laurie, welcome home. And this time, I'm the one saying it and I mean it." His chest heaved when he pulled a deep sigh. "I'm sorry. That text message was from an old friend. She was staying with me because she was having a problem with her family and her man." 

"Hmm," she mumbled against his now cool skin. It didn't escape her ears that the friend he was talking about was a 'she.' Confirming that it was the one he was arguing with when she gave him a call. "She has access to your phone." 

He clicked his tongue and rubbed her naked back. "I let her because she said she needed to contact her friends."