Painting Session


The idea of Jiro giving her the rights only means one thing. A step closer to having a relationship and she didn't know if she wanted that right now. She had already decided to leave Tokyo and no longer pursue any relationship with Jiro. 

A few days ago he was indecisive about having a clear understanding of their relationship and now he is saying he's giving her the rights. She couldn't help but chuckle. She shook her head with the irony of it. 

When she wanted to put a label on their relationship, he couldn't decide. Not that she no longer wants it, he is saying that she can have the rights. 

She looked up at Jiro and smiled. Her smile must have not reached her eyes for he looked disappointed. 

'What does he expect?' She thought to herself. 

An awkward silence felt in the room. When the minutes became suffocating, she heard Jiro chuckle awkwardly then ruffle her hair.