Rin Is For Rina


"It's good, right?" He asked for about nth times already and Laurie was starting to get annoyed at him all over again. 

She had already accepted the fact that Joe was like a kid that has ADHD with how he was all over the place all the time. She admired Jiro with how he could sit down on the sofa, legs propped to the chair across from him, chilling like Joe wasn't hovering around them like a spinning top. 

"Yes, it is good." 

"Do you want more?" He asked with his eyes sparkling like a child, waiting to be praised. 

She rolled her eyes on him, picked up the plate of gyoza with three more pieces in it, and gave it to Joe. She could eat the three gyoza left on the plate but she wanted to make Joe go away even for a short period of time, hence, she gave him her plate for him to go to the kitchen and get her more gyoza. 

When Joe stood up and disappeared to the kitchen, Jiro chuckled next to her.