I Don't Mind


As soon as they entered Jiro's apartment, Laurie handed him the bag she was carrying. She kicked her shoes off the foyer and pushed them to the lower shelf of the shoe cabinet. With nothing but her white ankle socks, she trod further inside Jiro's apartment until she reached the living room. 

However, instead of dropping herself on one of the comfortable-looking couches, she turned to Jiro and asked, "Where is the bathroom?"

He choked on his saliva. Laurie's innocent question drove his lust-filled brain into overdrive. He was still imagining her biting and licking his neck with her tongue and now she's asking for the bathroom. 

He cleared his throat and tried to keep his cool. "Uhm, there's one in my bedroom and over there," he pointed to the wall separating the kitchen and the living room. 

"Can I use the one in your bedroom?" She tilted her head and creased her eyebrows. Jiro was looking so uncomfortable in front of her. "Or not?"