

Laurie buried her face on her pillow in embarrassment. She kicked Jiro's leg when she heard him chuckling behind her. 

"Go to sleep. Stop thinking of how to take advantage of me. I'm kind enough to share my bed. Don't think of other things." He said and she heard the clicking of his laptop keys. He must have started working, just like what he said. 

She listened to the rhythmic clicking of his laptop keyboard and in no time, her eyelids dropped and her breathing even out. She fell asleep. 

Jiro glanced at Laurie who was hugging her pillow like her life was dependent on it. A wide grin spread across his face. She looks too adorable. He tried to concentrate on his task and didn't think of how the curve of her body despite the heavy blanket covering her—which was like one of her guitars was showing as she turned to her side. He wondered how she would sound if he pulled her strings.