Cry Her Hurt Out


She chuckled wryly when she looked at the photos on Mei Mei's phone. Seeing those pictures that were clearly taken by paparazzi, she could clearly imagine how Mei Mei's circle of so-called social friends were having a feast on such juicy scandal. 

She felt a tinge of pity for Mei Mei who has to live with those kinds of people. Because, for her, she doesn't care. Yes, she won't deny the fact that she was somehow hurt and yes...maybe a little jealous but to give actual care about those malicious gossips, floating around is not something she will bother herself with. 

But then, she didn't interact with those women who like these kinds of stories. While Mei Mei has to forge a good relationship with them because they all moved around the same circle. 

She put down Mei Mei's phone on the table and pushed it back to her. "I don't need to explain myself about these photos. Thanks for telling me but I am fine."