Round Two


"I can't tell you anything because there are people involved who would rather bury the truth." 

Jiro was taken aback by the weight of Laurie's words. He blinked his eyes, thinking if he should start talking about Rina for him to get the story from Laurie. He was dying of curiosity and it was too late to change his mind about telling Laurie the story about him and Rina. 

Come to think of it, it seems like he always decides on something and regrets it right after with Laurie. 

"Jiro, come here and choose a shirt." 

Her voice calling him from the bedroom pulled his thoughts back to the present. 

When he entered her room, there were about five shirts lying on top of her bed. All of them are graphic tees. 

"What do you think about this?" She was holding up a moss green shirt with some kind of weird monster print on it. The print was so Hayao Miyazaki.