

Jiro left his apartment without hearing anything from Laurie. And that's the only time he realized that he didn't know any of her friends. She talked about them but he has not met any of them. 

He sighed deeply as he closed the door behind him. 

He just got off the elevator in the underground parking when he received a call from Rina's brother that she was missing. 

He kicked the tire of his motorbike in frustration. He has no time for Rina's bullshit but he can't just do nothing. 

He told Rina's brother that he didn't see Rina since he picked her up from Joe's house but his brother insisted that Rina went to his house according to her tracking device. 

Apparently, Rina escaped from the center where her family was keeping her and the last place from her tracking device before they lost her was his apartment.