Not So Perfect


He was pulling the lapel of his jacket closer to his body not because he's cold but because he was trying not to be recognized here in his brother's place. He does not want to be seen in such a shady place. But his stupid brother won't agree to meet at his office and told him that if he wanted to talk he should come to his office instead. And his office is this stupid-looking office covered in rainbow flags in the main street of Nichome. 

He could not understand what Ryu was thinking when he had his office in this place. He knew for a fact that he wasn't gay or anything. They used to share their women when they were younger. And he didn't hear any gossip about Ryu having a relationship with any man. 

He lowered his eyes when he sneakily entered the entrance of Ryu's office but he almost had a heart attack when he pushed the door and a loud shrill voice announced his arrival.