Breakfast In Bed


Ryu woke up just like any other morning. His head was throbbing with dull pain caused by alcohol that he consumed last night. One of the cons of running clubs is that he has to drink every freaking night. He cursed it now because his body is no longer young as it used to be. When he was younger, he used to look forward to every working night, for his friends would be at his club and they would drink and have fun. Women are everywhere, new and old acquaintances. Everything is just a party. But not anymore. 

Nowadays, he has to take care of a lot of things and not just party at the club. It is to be expected since he's running more than ten clubs all over the country. Not all were under his name. In the past two years, his headache doubled because he ventured into clubs outside the country. He invested a lot of money in them. His investments were showing good potential but the return was slow.