A Marriage Proposal

She woke up before the break of dawn with a throbbing headache. She fell asleep on the lounge chair at the foot of her bed. She didn't even take off her dress or her makeup. She slowly got up to clean up but her stomach was queasy so she decided to drink something hot—probably coffee. 

Making her way to the kitchen, she passed by the empty hallway of Madame Bae's house. The helpers were allowed in this part of the house but she was quite sure that somewhere in the house, someone was awake, doing some task for the day. 

She arrived in the kitchen and it was sparkling clean. You wouldn't think that a wild party just happened last night.  Madame Bae's helpers in the house were very meticulous when it comes to cleanliness as their employer is such a freak when it comes to cleanliness.