Preparing For A Party

"The party theme tonight is masquerade." She eyed Laurie who was hugging a pillow in bed. "You can't come as a panda." 

Laurie threw the pillow she's holding at Madame Bae. "I'm not going." 

"Dear, you must. You don't want this night to be something that you'd regret your whole life." 

She threw the blanket off her legs for she felt that call of nature. She tends to pee whenever she drinks lots of wine. "I already had a lot of regrets in my life. One more won't make a difference," she called over her shoulder as she headed to the bathroom. 

She stayed inside for a long time even when she was already done with her business. She had washed her face and even took a quick shower to remove the stench of alcohol over her body. She came out fresh, wearing a silk robe and a white towel tightly wrapped around her head. 

She was expecting Madam Bae to be gone but she was still right there waiting for her. 

"You must come to the party tonight."