Date In The Garden

She lifted her hand in front of her face to look at the ring that Jiro slid in her ring finger. "Are you sure about this?" 

"Prolly not," he laughed at her silly question and lifted her up to his lap. He snaked his arms around her waist and propped his chin on her shoulder when she leaned back on his chest. 

"I'm just asking in case you take it back." 

"I won't take it back. I would add another one, instead." He kissed her jawline which made her giggle and squirmed in his arms because her jaw was ticklish. 

"Add one more?" 

She bit her lower lip when the realization hit her. She had been acting like a foolish girl who got her first engagement ring—which wasn't the case. She had been parroting Jiro's words as though she had no thought of her own. 

"Yes, that one…if you let, just like what your mother said." He said in a hushed voice. The playfulness in his voice was gone.