
They arrived at Jiro's apartment at around ten in the evening and Laurie was too tired and sleepy that she just washed and brushed her teeth then stripped naked before diving in Jiro's bed. 

"Baby, I'll step out for a few hours to meet my bandmates." He was clenching his fist as he kissed her forehead. He had to think of their upcoming tour in order for him to stop himself, peeling the blanket that was covering Laurie's naked body. 

He was tired from the long flight home and he wanted to lie down next to her but there was a responsibility that he had to do. 

Laurie was well-aware of the dilemma that Jiro was suffering. "Go. I'll be right here waiting for you in this bed—naked," she smirked. 

"F*ck, I wanted to—" He exhaled his frustration. And shook his head with the naughty smirk that Laurie was wearing on her pretty face. "You better be…" His eyes reflect the hunger he is feeling.