
Laurie was expecting the meeting between Hideaki and Jiro's bandmates to be at the apartment building where Bella lives. However, they came to an unfamiliar address. 

"This is the new recording studio that we are using," Jiro told her as he removed her helmet.  "We have been recording here, after the Tokyo Summer Festival." He grabbed her hand and linked their hands together, pulling her to the elevator. "It has a bigger room that has enough space for us to practice comfortably." 

She nodded. "I heard about it from Mei Mei but I didn't give it much thought. Just that this business is something that Hideaki owned outside his father's company." 

Jiro didn't comment on what she said. He just gripped her hands and remained silent until they reached the 19th floor and the elevator opened and they stepped out. 

"Laurie, uhm…you were supposed to marry Hideaki, right?"