Exodus 14: 14

The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace.

When I was a child I used to fight regular. Almost every day I would get into a fight with someone because I was that child who has to defend myself when picked on or I have been provoked. I never have a big brother or sister to run.

I did have other battles fight as well, these battles were not physical battles but battles that was to do with my emotions was all over the place, this minute I love the next I hate and feel empty and shallow inside or I did not know how I feel sometimes, my self-esteem was pretty insure about who I am. All this got worst when I get to high school.

My two last years in high school was unbearable, all I could think about is I couldn't wait to leave. I never have friends because my entire class mate scorns me. I always thought why they do, until one day someone told me because my mouth smell bad, mark you, I have terrible sinus problem and they were times I didn't have toothpaste to brush my teeth so I would use salt in its place. If they had care enough they would come to me personally and say so but instead they mock me, turn their nose up on me and avoid me in every possible way.

Even thou at this point of my life I have accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour, The pain I felt inside was so unbearable at time. There were times when I would climb my special tree with book and pen in hand and I would write away my sorrows and pain in songs and poems then I would burn it, for I thought if no one see what I wrote they would not know how I hurt because I trust no one around me. I used to think they were the devils angels on a mission to destroy me in every way possible.

I was living in a house where persons was supposed to be Christians but they were only Christians on a Sunday morning, and after church they would go right back to their old ways.

I remember one night I was going to take a shower and ask the church sister I was living with at the time for a bath soap and all she does was lifted her skirt and told me to come and take it. Is that the way you are supposed to behave as a big and a child of God.

There was no one to set a good example as how to live a true Christian life. Being so young in the faith I do what I see them do. I curse anyone who provoked me or say something that I don't like.

I would go to gathering and dance my feet off not knowing what I was doing were not pleasing to God. I was only giving place for the devil.

There were times in high school where I have to fight and defend myself, I wasn't the type who was talkative, so teachers know I was the quiet type but when it comes to war I know how and I never throw the first hit.

But now I know that God will fight all my battles that mean I don't have to afraid, be anxious, or be discouraged when bad things happen in my life. When situations seem so hopeless or life get so overwhelming, I might get tempted to doubt God. But I remember there is no problem is beyond the control of God and there is no problem that He cannot fix for he is a God who specializes in the things that are impossible. He has promised to take care of me and His plans for me are perfect.

Yes God is indeed in control, but that does not mean we should run leave our battles, in order for us to live a good Christian life of endurance, good character and hope, we must put on the whole armour of God that we will be able to withstand in the evil days and stand against the wiles of the devil, as Ephesians 6:10–17 tells us. We should trust the one who is able to deliver us from all our foes. We should put our confidence in the God who delivers the children of Israel out of Egypt and part the red sea for them to walk over on dry land. Let us therefore put our trust in God at all times.

What am I saying, there were times when we take up battles in our own hands and fight them and right in the midst of the battle God is saying to us, give it to, and I God will fight all your battles. Because I am your defender, I am you Shield and Sword.

God said that we must leave all vengeance to Him He will repay.