Joel 2: 1

Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain: let all the inhabitants of the Lord cometh. For it is nigh at hand

Sound the alarm is a sign of warning. Sometimes you set an alarm clock to wake you up in the morning so that you won't be late for work or a doctor's appointment.

Some countries when danger is approaching an alarm went off in a distance

Joel is imploring us to sound the alarm not to warm people of natural disasters but of one to tell the people that the Lord of heaven is coming back and they must repent.

Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble, for the day of the Lord is coming for it is at hand. In Joel chapter 1 he spoke about the judgement that has grieved Judah. They experience a plaque of locust and drought that destroy everything that they have planted In chapter 2 he tell of the judgment that will come , a mighty army set against Judah.

When we are right with God, we want the day of the Lord, we long for him to show his strength.

Joel 2: 15-17-it is not a cry of warning but one of repentance. It is an appeal to a Holy, yet a compassionate God for mercy. If we are going to sound the alarm we have to be bold, we have to sound the alarm that mercy is available. We got to let people know that there is no condemnation for those that are in the Lord.

To sound the alarm we have to be on one accord, we have to ensure that our lives are right with God. Our lives have to shine so that others may see our good works and come glorify our father which is in heaven.

We as child of the most high God we have to worship him, it doesn't matter what we are going through because it is though our worship and praise that we will get the deliverance and help.

It is in our praise that chains break but in order for our praise to be effective we have to live holy, we got to live righteous.

Praise keep us power oriented, when we praise we get power from on high. It is through our praise that demons have to flee.

So ring the alarm brings forth your praise let the whole world know that Jesus is coming back again when we think not.

And that all our praise belongs to him.