Surviving by Outsmarting

Miles was well-aware of the capability of Faehumans, and the only people who could exhibit speeds as fast as this were in the upper tier of Delta, which meant Faetality only slightly less than 100,000! That was already a hundred times his own, and he felt these two were even stronger!

These were individuals who could take on entire armies, entire fleets of ships by themselves!

However, considering that Fae ships were up in the sky, these were probably Fae. Types of Fae he had never seen or heard of before...

Suddenly, the Lykaon insignia ring sputtered to life.




Miles cursed, 'SH*T! Now you tell me?' until his eyes widened in realization, ''Holy hells! I understand! They were so fast, the security system didn't register them as intruders until they stopped."

Unfortunately, the sound from the ring, while not that loud, had alerted the two monsters to his presence.

Both the wolf and the pale man turned their heads. The wolf's gaze glowed bright yellow, while the pale figure stared with two blood-red eyes.

Their combined gazes made a chill run up his spine, especially when the pale man licked his lips.

Alarm bells rang all over Miles's head. He was definitely in danger. But considering the insane speed of these two Fae, if they really were at the Delta level, there was probably very little he could do.

However, that didn't mean he was helpless.

He shouted into his ring, "Activate internal defense mechanisms. Shoot anything that starts to move!"

Ka-chak! Crack! Pu-chack!

The destroyed paintings in the walls fell open to reveal heavy artillery guns, while plasma guns formed at the four corners of the roof.

All of the guns moved in unison and targeted the two strange Fae.

Despite the several dozen guns targeting them, neither the wolf nor the man looked worried. However, they also didn't move.

Miles couldn't help but feel nervous.

There was a reason he hadn't ordered the guns to shoot, and only to shoot what moved.

He knew these guys could survive the onslaught from all the weapons, but he was hoping they didn't want to get shot for no reason.

Forcing himself to sound confident, he spoke out, "L-Look, you two can keep doing whatever it is you're doing. Don't mind me. I'll just leave, and when I do, I'll deactivate the security system."

The pale man grinned, revealing two sharp canines, and answered in a booming voice, "Impressive strategy, Lykaon heir. But what if we don't believe you? What if you're just trying to trick us?"

'He knows who I am? Are they here for me? F*CK! I'm screwed if that's true.'

Miles shivered. The pale man had a dozen guns on him, but still had the audacity to grin like that.

Something about this pale man just screamed danger, it shouted at him to drop everything and run.

Nervousness intensifying, Miles replied as best he could, "N-No, we Lykaons are true to our word. I swear to deactivate the guns."

The pale man's grin grew even wider, "Ah, so you are the Lykaon heir? Thank you, I'm grateful for the confirmation."

Miles's eyes widened, before cursing himself, 'F*CK! He didn't know? Did he just trick me?'

The pale man seemed to be ecstatic as he leered and licked his lips, "Ahh, I so love it when they pretend to be strong. It's all the more fun to break 'em."

The wolf growled, sounding like a cataclysmic earthquake, and silenced the pale man. It spoke, surprisingly with the voice of a woman, "Leech! Let the child be! As long as I'm here, you will not drink a drop of his blood!"

Miles's eyes widened as he stared at the pale man, 'Leech? Drink my blood?! Wait, I believe I've read about this! Pale skin, sharp canines, drinking blood, could he be… a Vampire? Like Count Dracula? Could this be another type of Fae?!'

His gaze trailed onto the wolf lady, 'Holy Hells! Wouldn't that mean she's a Werewolf or something? They actually exist!? They're not just old age fiction?!'

Miles's realization was unbelievable and eye-opening. It would shock the world if this was ever known.

Unfortunately for him, at that same instant, the Vampire revealed a smile, a smile that was not a smile, "You wanna bet on that, b*tch?"

And he took a step forward.

Bang! Hum! Bang!

Half of the guns unloaded their magazines into the moving Vampire, riddling his body with holes.

That would've been the death of any ordinary faehuman, even one at the Delta tier, unless they had healing capabilities of some sort.

But all the vampire did was show off a careless grin, revealing two sharp canines.

Instantly, the bullets started to clatter onto the floor, pushed out of his undead body by some supernatural force. The bullet holes closed by themselves, healing instantly.

Miles stared in disbelief.

He had expected it. The guns couldn't do much to a Vampire.

But it was one thing to expect it, and another thing entirely to see it in the flesh; a real Vampire in action.

He had never seen or heard of such an impossible regenerating factor, so intense that one could push bullets out of the body and heal instantly.

Miles was confident that the Vampire could have even dodged all the bullets if he wished to, but he didn't need to.

Such strength was enviable.

Noticing his gaze, the Vampire gazed right back. Its red eyes started to glow with a hint of purple, boring into Miles's own.

Instantly, Miles felt a sense of unnatural terror rising. He wanted to run away, to escape, but the Vampire's gaze had him frozen.

Even as he realized he was frozen, he was still intrigued, 'High Level Influence! I know powerful Faehumans can do similar things, but do Vampires use Fae serums as well?'

The Vampire started to dash towards him, to drink his blood, to kill him.

Fortunately for Miles, at that same instant, the female Werewolf moved as well.

A purple burst of light spread out from her, and as he stared in wonder, all the guns locked onto the Werewolf shifted to the Vampire.


The Vampire was forced to pause for a moment as the intensity of the guns doubled.

'Holy hells! Did she just hijack my guns? How?! Did she hack into the system? With what!?'

As Miles was shocked for a second time, the air next to him blurred, forming into the Female Werewolf.

The Vampire's face twisted into one of rage, "NO! YOU ANNOYING B*TCH!" and he disappeared as well.

The Werewolf began to whisper in Miles's ear, a sorrowful tone in her voice, "Forgive me, human cub. This is to save your soul and to rid the world of another leech. If you survive, I will take you under my tutelage. If you don't, may your spirit find peace in the great world mothers embrace."

And she bit his shoulder.


Miles couldn't help but scream in pain, as not one, but two creatures bit into him, one from each side.

On his right, the Werewolf's maw had pierced deep into his flesh. The muscle surrounding the area throbbed with strange white veins, slowly spreading.

On his left, the Vampire's fangs were injected deep into his neck. Black veins flowed, supplying the Vampire with his blood, slowly advancing.

'They bit at the same time? F*CK! What's going to happen now?'

The Vampire laughed a heartless laugh, his fangs continuing to drink, "B*tch, you thought you could poison his blood before I could feed? Hah! I'll stop the moment your toxic spit spreads to this side. But, if you dare to let go and try to attack, I'll just drink it all! Either way, I will recover. As they say, this is checkmate!"

The Werewolf lady growled in rage, but considering that she didn't do anything, Miles could assume that the Vampire was speaking the truth.

Perhaps due to the fangs biting into him, he was unable to move. He was frozen and helpless, paralyzed in every sense of the word.

Honestly, he didn't even feel like fighting back. It was as if he had lost all will to struggle.

Being consumed actually felt rather comfortable. He almost felt like giving in...

'It would be so easy to just give up, to throw everything away and just let it happen.'

And he almost did, until he started to feel sick.

His head started to throb, his skin grew deadly pale, and his stomach gurgled. He felt horribly sick.

The black and white veins, having spread all over the sides of his body, had finally met at the center of his neck and chest.


A glob of dirty black blood was involuntarily coughed out of his throat. Something was wrong with his body.

'It hurts! It hurts so much!'

Every part of him burned and sizzled. It was as if his own body was rejecting itself, becoming its own poison.

The Vampire laughed in glee, and the Werewolf remained silent.

To be honest, a part of Miles had initially been excited about being bitten. If he remembered the old books correctly, those bitten by a Vampire or a Werewolf, could become one themselves.

If he could become as half as strong as these two, he wouldn't have to worry about Lykaon Industries anymore. That was what he had thought.

But now, he wasn't so sure. He could feel he wouldn't survive if this continued.

'Damn it all! I can't die like this! I can't fail my parents! I just need another chance!'

But as old Zhan often said when Miles was in a lazy mood, if he wanted something, he was going to have to take it himself.

Miles's eyes fell on the weakened cracks on the floor, that looked as if they would shatter at any moment.

He looked at the guns in the grand hall. A strange purple hue still glowed over them from when the Werewolf had hijacked them. They wouldn't be of any use.

'Think, Miles, think! What can I do? What can I use?'

Boom. Boom.

Miles could barely hear the faint booms from outside. He glanced back at the cracked floor.

'The cannons outside! They're still active! But they can't target the inside of the mansion. If I could just make a large enough explosion and shake the ground...'

Using every inch of his willpower, Miles forced his thumb to move and tapped twice on the Lykaon ring on his index finger.

He roared with all his strength, "GO ALL OUT! BLOW UP THE FAE SHIPS!"

The Vampire and Werewolf were surprised by his sudden outburst.


Two loud explosions rang out in the sky, as the cannons shot with full power.


Mere moments later, two Fae ships crashed into the garden, shaking the entire mansion.

That was all that was needed. It was the last straw breaking the camel's back.

As Miles watched on with a pained smile, the cracks on the floor started to spread and widen, and finally shattered, opening into a massive hole right below them.

It was too sudden, and too shocking to be dodged or escaped.

And so, they all fell.

A child, a Vampire, and a Werewolf, down the hole they went.