The Beast Within-2

'So that really is him! The Knight of the Sky?! The face that just fell off seems to have hidden his identity, like a mask. It may be Fae tech, but… considering that face looked extremely artificial, it may have been man-made too. But most importantly, what the hell is a General of the Military doing in our safehouse?'

Unfortunately, the Beast Within didn't give a rat's ass about the identity of its food, or any of the questions Miles had, and simply continued to feed, to consume.

By now, Xavier's skin had completely sunk inwards, his skull was clearly visible underneath his frail face and his bones prominent, as if he had starved for months.

However, the blue thread was also beginning to fade, its user having begun to weaken.

Witnessing the atrocity taking place before him, Miles should've felt horrible, sick, at the very least. This was the inhuman consumption of a living human. The terrified expression on his face, one that a Great General never should've made, as his flesh was sucked away and his body lost all semblance of life, made for a horrifying scene.

He did feel sick about it, but… it just tasted so god-damned delicious.

It was the Beast that fed, but Miles felt and sensed everything himself. And holy hell, was it amazing! If the legendary ambrosia existed somewhere in the world, Miles was sure it would taste something like this!

At that same moment, a series of notifications rang out.


[Blood Source consumed. +1 Faehuman Source for possible assimilation.

+1 Free Stat Point, +15 Blood Points gained.]


[Personal BP restored to 10/10.

Remaining Stored in Ripae Sanguine (Blood Bank): 5/100]

Along with this, Miles could feel his thirst and lethargy disappear or at least lessen, replaced by the feeling of power and energy returning to his body.

It seemed that he and the Beast were in some form of symbiosis. When one fed, the other was fed as well.

Unfortunately, now that Miles's thirst was sated, the fact that he had relished the taste of human flesh, became disgusting once more.

Right on time, another notification appeared with a Ding! This carried a rather morbid message as if to make him feel even worse.

[You have slain {Human(Base) / Faehuman(Epsilon-Enhanced Telekinetic) / One who has felt the World beyond the Veil}

Bonus experience for killing an enemy greatly above the user in power.

Experience penalty due to the user's inaction.]

[Kindred Class: (Newborn) has reached Lvl. 2- Stat Points allocated.]

A vague sense of power, a rush of energy ran through his body, the very moment the final message appeared.

But Miles's mind was elsewhere.

He had expected it, he had known this would happen, but he was still slightly shocked by the death of the Knight.

Despite Miles's readiness to do what needed to be done, even to turn into a monster if that was what was needed, he couldn't stop his emotions. He couldn't stop the inherent sense of disgust and pity that came from the parts of him that were still human.

The former Knight of the Sky had been tortured up to his death. He may not have screamed, or even struggled at all, but Miles knew. He knew that the feeling of having your blood and flesh consumed as you lay frozen and helpless, was nothing but unimaginable pain. He had suffered through the same, when two monsters had fed on him.

And the fact that he had done the same, even by being vaguely involved, didn't sit right with him.

Miles was... conflicted.

Now that the wielder of the ability was no more, the blue thread finally vanished. Instantly, the core of energy within him dissipated, returning Miles's sense of control.

The battle was over, their enemies dead and defeated.

But the Beast wasn't done with its meal. Not even close.

It continued to inhale, to consume, unrelenting.

Moments later, having lost most of the flesh and blood, the corpse of the great knight collapsed into a grotesque husk.

This husk barely looked humanoid. The skin was crusty, dry, and stretched over the skeleton. Despite having died mere minutes ago, it looked like a corpse, a mummy, that had been allowed to decay and rot for months.

Even still, the Beast consumed.

Suddenly, Miles felt some sort of strange energy pass him.

He hadn't noticed it before, but now that he had gained it, he felt… complete. He no longer felt empty. He felt great. He felt… human.

For a single moment, everything was perfect bliss. There were no problems, there were no worries, just perfection.

[Soul Energy Detected.

+10 Soul Points(SP)

The user's current form does not possess a Soul Container. SP cannot be stored.

-10 Soul Points(SP)]

But in the very next moment, this energy vanished. And once again, Miles was incomplete.

Trying to maintain that feeling, that sense of completion, Miles struggled, 'W-What? What was that?'

He had been confused and conflicted. Then he had gained something that made him feel better, something that made him forget, only to lose it immediately.

The fact that it was most probably the soul of Sir Xavier, wasn't relevant to him at this moment. The only thing he could focus on was how empty he felt right now.

Miles was lost, unsure of what to do or say.

That was until he sensed the rising emotions of The Beast Within, which jogged him awake from his momentary confusion.

Despite the inhuman means used, the Beast had killed their enemy and saved them. Then it had fed in an attempt to sate their thirst.

But while Miles was more than satisfied, to the Beast, that meager drink was nowhere near enough.

If Miles could sate his thirst with a drop, that which the Beast needed was an entire ocean.

So the Beast would have no choice but to go on feeding, just to satisfy its thirst, to heal the pain.

Miles could feel it, he could understand its desires, so he could empathize.

Unfortunately, there wasn't much left to consume.

Not much, aside from the old man, an unconscious fellow on the floor, and beyond them, a city full of people.

To the Beast, this was a good start.

It was then that Miles realized the gravity of the current situation.

The Beast Within had been unsealed.

Sure, it had defeated their enemy, even saved their life, but there was no way it was going to seal itself again like an obedient pet.

The Beast was out of control.


The Beast Within let out a small sound, something resembling a burp, as the husk that was once a man, a knight, collapsed lifeless and soulless onto the floor.

Seeing that the blue thread had vanished, the Beast Within was pleased. It had completed its purpose and even fed on a rather tasty morsel.

Unfortunately, it was nowhere near done.

Its hunger was never-ending, eternal, and infinite. How could such meager prey satisfy its voracious appetite?

The Beast turned to its vessel and observed. A young boy, a manling, with such negligible aura. The shadows flickered in disapproval.

Weak. Powerless. Insignificant.

Why should such a useless thing be in control? When it was so, so much more worthy?

Well, that would be fixed when the time was right.

But for now…

It shifted its all-consuming gaze onto the old man nearby.

Stronger. A more powerful aura. And yet, still insignificant.

Not so different from the prey consumed mere moments ago. But it would suffice for now.

With a flash of shadow, the Beast appeared before the old man.

The new prey was surprised, but not even slightly afraid. The old man stood steadfast before it's horrifying personage.

The Beast couldn't help but feel ecstatic, it's fangs curling up into a grin. When pathetic creatures pretended to be strong, it was all the more fun to break them.

Intending to begin the task, the Beast opened its maw, in preparation of the meal.

But just before it crunched in, it sensed a small, negligible, but entirely foreign thought.

It was merely a single thought, but it completely opposed all of its own.

To not strike, to not consume, to show mercy? To let the old man live?

An emotion so foreign, one it had never felt before, that it caused the Beast to pause for a moment.

It was obvious this thought came from its vessel, but to feel the same emotions as such a weak creature was perplexing.

Its vessel could feel the emotions of its horrifying self, but never the other way around.

So why now?

A white light flashed before it, illuminating the entire area and shifting its attention.

Mysterious trails of luminous white energy began to emanate from the old man.

The energy didn't feel dangerous but still caused the Beast to pause.

It observed in surprise and intrigue, only to find an aura that was not too different from its own.

It was another Beast. A great monster of darkness and light. But where the Beast was uncontrolled and unfocused, this Beast was in complete and absolute control of itself.

And it was all the more stronger for it.

For the first time, the Beast felt inferior.

Weak. Powerless. Insignificant.

And with this realization, it found itself being pushed back.


The moment Miles had sensed the Beast turning its gaze towards Zhan Shen, he had been horrified. He couldn't, he couldn't lose old Zhan as well. Especially to a creature that had appeared because of him.

Using everything he had, Miles held the Beast back, forcing his will through their connection.

At least he had tried to, because his attempts didn't seem to do much, besides make the Beast stop for a second.

Miles could see nothing but the worst-case scenario happening, until he saw that white flash of light.

The light had caused the Beast to halt, to freeze completely, and the rays of white had waved peacefully in the air, as if telling Miles that everything would be fine.

Within this warm light, he could vaguely see a dark figure, obviously Zhan Shen's silhouette. But he looked bigger, bulkier than usual, with two prominent black circles around his eyes.

Yet his eyes were focused, powerful and relentless.

Miles could barely see a white strip of paper appear within his hand, manifesting out of the same white light.


The paper strip rustled in the absence of wind, and Zhan Shen calmly pushed it towards the Beast.

Instantly, the unstoppable monster, the immensely powerful Beast, was pushed back as well.


With the white light glowing around him and the paper strip facing forwards, Zhan Shen took a step forwards.

Once again, the Beast was pushed back by a single step.

Step! Step! Step!

With just a couple more steps, the old butler had forced the Beast to retreat towards Miles.

Miles had been observing with widened eyes, completely lost as to what was happening. He was also unsure of what to do, whether he should stay still or move aside.

Almost in answer, Zhan Shen turned towards him. His relentless eyes, softening for a moment, telling him to stay, telling him to trust him.

Miles couldn't help but smile in relief, as he nodded back.

He may look and feel different, but it was still the same old, old Zhan.


A strange, almost mystical sound reverberated out as Zhan Shen pushed the strip of paper forwards, through the Beast's shadow body. And with his palm, he lightly tapped on Miles's forehead.

Instantly, the Beast Within shuddered. Its maw opened in a silent scream of anger and indignation.

Its smoky body began to dissipate into the air, as it slowly grew faint.

But just before it disappeared completely, it turned towards Miles, giving a strong glare.

Miles shuddered as he took a step back, both in surprise and fear. He had known the Beast was intelligent but had not expected such a human reaction from it.

It was warning him. That this was far from over...

Only then, did the Beast allow itself to vanish completely.

Miles vaguely sensed something returning to him, and another timely Ding! rang out.

[The Title Cursed: Beast Within(Sealed) has returned to its normal state.]

Zhan Shen instantly fell onto his knees, the white light around him vanishing and his appearance returning to normal.

Heaving tired breaths, the old butler raised his head towards Miles.

With a glare, he called out, "Master Miles! The hell was that?"