Chapter 603: Quest

The King looked at the Minister who was tasked with killing Eve. 

He had recognized Eve already, but what he couldn't understand was why she was in the middle of nowhere. She was killed around nineteen years ago in this city by his minister on her command. So how did her body end up so far?

"Would you like to explain yourself?" he asked the Royal Advisor, who was the Minister of Defence nineteen years ago. 

He was also the person who was tasked with killing Eve. 

Almost all the Ministers here were trustworthy to the King, but even then, there were some ministers who didn't know about the past and how Eve was killed. 

Right after the disappearance of Eve, it was declared in the public that Eve had run away to be with her fraternity, leaving Atlantis behind. 

The ministers who had heard that announcement were slightly surprised that she was still in Atlantis, buried in a coffin. They had a feeling that something was wrong.