Chapter 645: Of course, I'll do

"Maybe later if I'm feeling like it." Lucifer smiled in response. "For now, I have something else to do."

He stood up. "And you have something else to do as well. The war should end soon. I want you and your men to arrange all the bodies from all the Warlocks in one place. I'll be needing them."

"To make them your puppets?" Milena asked. 

Lucifer didn't answer the questions. All he said was one thing. "You don't need to know it. Just make sure to gather all the bodies on the twenty-fourth floor."

"Any reason for selecting that floor in particular?" Arthur asked. 

"There was someone who didn't want any bad smell in that room. So, of course, that's what I'll do." Lucifer lazily said before leaving. However, he stopped right at the door. 

"As for what happened in this room, I hope no one would leak it to anyone. That will be all."

He finally stepped out of the room. It was only after leaving that he contacted Yaliza in the city.