Chapter 750

Lucifer stood before a well, observing the surroundings. 

Three strange creatures were standing at some distance from the well.

All three of them looked like gargoyles with an ugly appearance, a lizard-like tail, and two dragon-like wings. The creatures looked like a beast, but they stood on their own two feet. 

All three of them were laughing as they heard all the screams. There was a fourth creature that was standing farther away from them. 

It had a similar appearance to the other three, but unlike the other three, he wasn't standing idle. 

Instead, the fourth one was the reason behind threat screams. 

There were many people sitting before the fourth Gargoyle who looked like humans yet different. 

The people before the gargoyle had deep blue eyes, but their ears were longer than the ears of ordinary humans. They also had a small horn on their forehead. 

The bodies around the well belonged to these people as well.