Chapter 963: Finished

The top three in the Trials moved over to the next cities on their list. Meanwhile, the rest were still struggling against their first city Itself. 

Even though they were given slightly easier cities with less concentrated forces, it still wasn't as easy to destroy an entire city as Lucifer, and the others made it look like. 

In the fourth place, according to the leaderboard, was Malin, who was on Lucifer's team before. As for the fifth and sixth, they were taken by Ron and Raayi's team members. 

The rankings were seeing a lot of turmoil on the lower side. However, on the higher side, the scores more or less looked settled for now. 

Lucifer left the Royal Beast City and advanced to the next city on his list. It was the city where he met Hun and the other High Beasts. But for now, he only wanted to destroy that city and kill the Baltics, who were taking over the city in the process. 
