Being a Leader

Sael should have done as Erica warned him too but he still didn't think it had been that big of a deal. Yet, when the others arrived he received similar treatment from Ara and even the normally calm Nee who both seemed on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Silver and Shel were calmer in comparison while Gaeren and Shiv acted disappointed. Apparently, the Moon clan was busy mobilizing for a full scale invasion of the human capital, his return halted their plans. Clearly, this was cause for moping as Shiv comforted a depressed Gaeren who was busy whining. "But it was going to be a legendary battle! When am I ever gonna get another chance to invade the human capital!"

Once they started calming down to the point Ara and Nee weren't talking over each other to admonish him, Sael managed to sneak in a word of his own. "What is the big deal?"