
The elven Air King complained and argued nonstop after he'd lost the draw against the Earth King. He again pointed out that Galadriel's excuse of being female was silly and shouldn't count. "You agreed when I pointed it out. Now that you have lost you wish to complain? Enough with your whining.  You lost, now do your part.  We will watch from here." Galadriel smirked at her counterpart, content with having not been the one forced to go through with the disgraceful plan.  Glaring at both of the other kings he struggled to be moved to the chair that would then be carried by the slaves to where he needed to go.  "I'll not forget this!" With that final statement, he was carried out of the room on his chair as he left he heard the other crown bearer's laughs. 


Sael finally finished processing all the information, but it left him with a number of questions.  "Why are you a slave then?"