Counting Down to victory

Holding out the sphere of darkness Sael moved closer to the earth king still not sure what he was going to do.  "That is close enough. Open it from there."  Sael was just outside of arm's reach from the two elves as Lathai's eyes rapidly flicked from the sphere to Sael's face.

"Here? But it is dangerous like you said.  You want me to just let it out? I'm not stupid, I'm not going to hold onto that thing outside the protection of the container."  Sael desperately reviewed his attributes, skills, abilities, and even his inventory.  It was then that he spotted something that made his heart start to race.  A slim glimmer of hope was counting down.  Time, he just needed time.

"If you want the crown then you will figure it out.  If I don't see it right now then the deal is off."  Lathai literally screamed out the response.