Creepy and Disturbing

Lia led him over to the last room and pushed through the weave just like the last two before. What the light wisp revealed was disturbing.  There were statues, busts, pictures, even tapestries all of which depicted Lia.  Many of them also included a male elf Sael had never seen before. An entire multi tier shelf housed countless tiny figurines that reminded Sael of the type many anime fans had of their favorite girls.  Only each and every one of them was of Lia, someone this guy would have known in person.  It went from an obsessive hobby to creepy stalker levels easily.  It was one thing to keep have a "waifu" of some make believe person. But when it was a real person and one you knew.  It was just creepy and disturbing.  He could see Lia's mostly faded blush instantly return looking around the room.