No more sacrafices

After Bremmic the First Demon Lord disappeared Sael was left to think.  His first thoughts were torn, he didn't want to trust any Demon Lord.  But, at the same time if what they said was true then he could in theory save Beth without needing to sacrifice anything else.  Without needing to risk anyone else.  The conversation also started to raise more questions about the gamer god or whatever they were called.  Did he trust them? He hadn't considered the outcome of what would happen if the plan went through.  For a nerd like him, the thought of Earth suddenly having magic become real sounded… great.  But logistically it would probably cause lots of problems.  Worse, he was planning on staying in this world.  If using up so much magic from this world could hurt it then he wasn't sure he wanted to do it.  Torn between his desire to get Beth back and the potential risks of every plan to get her back he left to find the others.