Tricks and Traps

Sael stared at the unassuming hole in the ground beneath the castle.  According to the map he had been shown this was the entrance to the void dragon's lair.  It was a large straight shaft leading down into the ground hidden away in the middle of an otherwise normal forest.  He opened his mouth but was cut off. "If you talk about pouring that magic napalm down that hole again I'll get Shiv to provide couples counseling to all the girls!"  Jess glared at him and he glared back. Gaeren started to snicker but quickly smothered it. 

"I hate you." Sael said half seriously.  Jess was proving a bad influence on the others as far as he was concerned. 

In response, he just got a smirk. "Good. It is an in-law's duty to be a pain in the ass." 

Rolling his eyes before he nodded to Nee. "Scout ahead.  Then when it is go time. Ara and Gaeren with me.  Rest of you on castle guard duty.  Can't have more than I can get out on my own.  Are you all ready?"