Party Crashers

"By my bearded mother, what do you mean they are inside the gate?" Mamor hopped up from his chair so quickly it went skidding back. "Where be my hammer?" He moved over to what appeared to be a closet before tossing out a number of cloaks and hats… lots and lots of hats. Only then did he come out with a dented and beat up musket. 

Sael watched it all with a mix of humor and curiosity.  The dwarves were both everything he expected and nothing like what he expected.  Mostly he was curious about their weapons, though they were crude compared to fire arms back on Earth they did show promise.  He was following after the surprisingly fast dwarf as he barreled across the still sunny and airy settlement.  In the distance he heard screams, the dull whumph of the musket weapons and the high pitched ripping sound the darts made as they tore through the air.