Where to next

The door behind Sael opened, thumping into him and knocking him out of his thoughts. "Ugh, why is it so loud in here? I could hear you in the workshop." Jess stuck her head in to see what the door had struck, seeing Sael she just pushed on it as if to slide him further in the room.  He obstinately held his ground making her scowl. "Uh move! Can't you see I am trying to get in?  Geez, way to be an ass." Several of the room's occupants turned to look at her, their gazes were less than friendly. Sael quickly stepped forward not wanting any new drama and inwardly swore at Beth's sister who still seemed to dislike him for ruining his good moment.

"Calm down everyone." Sael finally spoke up as Jess let herself in the room.  "It looks like Gree sold us out to… well I would guess the remaining Demon Lords at this point."