Into the Valley of Death

In the master bedroom, a vaguely humanoid shape stood in front of the group bursting through the door.  All features were lost and the outline itself looked vaguely fuzzy making it hard to see where they ended and the rest of reality began.  Yet no one doubted who it was before them. Ara in the lead rushed up and reached out to grab one of the fuzzy arms.  Pain shot up her limb causing her to scream in agony as her very flesh was broken up into nothingness.  She yanked back her hand, the flesh healing rapidly thanks to Summer's Blessing.  For a second the shape waived and started to solidify.  Slowly, their outline grew more defined until they could make out features.  With a sigh, they could feel the bond reforming between them.  After what seemed like ages for all involved Sael dropped to his hands and knees gasping for air.