Chapter Three

Not everyone believes in the Silver Curse. However, no one can deny the effect it leaves on those born with the traits. Misfortune passed down from the clan of the Silver Dragon was not a concept modern Luaecian's would back, especially as silver dragons born from the Silver Dragon were no more. That is unless they saw it as an opportunity to target someone. As many with the Silver Curse found themselves to be, targets.

MeiAnne had no idea how to talk to someone that just got off a giant dragon, let alone one with silver hair and eyes. She opted instead to try and sneak past the incoming soldiers on her way to find her new room. She once again found herself weaving to avoid shoulders and dragons on her path.

As she just cleared most of the foot traffic and had the door to the barracks in her sight she felt a hand gently grab her by the shoulder, and another hand pull her stack of papers.

"Excuse me!" She whipped around, sounding louder than she wanted, but today had been emotionally draining enough.

"Room… 247? Close enough to my room if you'd like a hand." The new stranger smiled at her. He had a bright smile, even brighter when compared to his sun darkened skin and short dark hair. "My name is Gen, and this," He gestured to his right. "Is Raba."

It was the exact person MeiAnne was trying to avoid. She noticed he wasn't introducing himself, but Gen didn't give her time to dwell on it.

"I'm sure my friend would love to help too, but he stays in the officers building."

"Are you not an officer?" MeiAnne seemed confused. The symbol on his harness seemed similar to Yulan's.

"Oh? I am of sorts, but only Generals and Flight Commanders get to move out of the barracks. Poor old me, I'm just a Flight Second to this boring General beside me." MeiAnne could see Raba seem to try to hide his amusement.

"Well, I appreciate the offer to show me the way, but I am very tired. And don't you need to, I don't know, escort your dragons somewhere?" She was grasping at straws, but she really wasn't in the mindset to meet anyone else today.

"They know the way." He dismissed her with his hand gesture. "If you're tired that's all the more reason to get you to your room faster."

Raba nodded instead of saying goodbye, once again not looking at MeiAnne, as Gen led her along. She couldn't argue with him as he had looped his arm to her elbow as if he were her escort.

"You really don't have to-"

"Nonsense. You are new, and the first day is always difficult. No need to make it any worse for you." MeiAnne did not find the irony in his actions amusing. However she just allowed him to keep leader her from that point on. Through the barrack door, up and down hallways, up a flight of stairs, all the while Gen is showing MeiAnne around the barracks. He explained where uniform fittings were, where the washroom was, what floors were responsible for laundry on what days. If Gen wasn't explaining where to find things he was telling her how daily life was. MeiAnne knew he was being very kind for taking time out of his day, but this wasn't the show of kindness she was hoping for.

She was very relieved to have arrived at her door. "Test the key a few times, some of these locks can get sticky and you want to know now rather than later. And if you need anything my room is down this hall, 296!" MeiAnne thanked him as they said goodbye for the evening. She did as he said and tested the key, locking and unlocking several times. Thankfully she didn't have any problems and let herself in.

Her light bag had grown to feel like a hundred pounds over the course of the day so it was a relief to let it fall off her shoulders and onto the floor. She slouched into the door, slowly sliding down to the ground. She sat there trying to collect herself, holding her knees to her chest. She felt some moisture fall down from her face and onto her hand. She looked at her hand as she held her breath, trying to keep from breaking down. MeiAnne quickly dried her face and stood up. She couldn't let herself break down. If she broke down she might regret and if she regrets she might try to go home.

No matter how much she gets homesick, or misses her mother-

"Oh no, mother…" MeiAnne thought. She didn't tell her mom anything about running away at all. The tears returned as MeiAnne thought about how much her mothers heart would be breaking right now. She had no idea that her daughter was safe, or even alive. She resigned herself to letting herself cry while she unpacked what little she brought with her. It didn't take her long.

The room itself was quite simple, no decorations, a simple armoire, a small bed, a table, and a single sitting chair. She sat herself down in the chair to look over the papers she was handed once more, careful to keep wiping her face so she doesn't smear the ink with her tears.

MeiAnne doesn't know when she laid her head down on the table, or when she fell asleep. She can only assume that it was due to her sleepless night the night before, and how emotionally drained she ended up being. She checked outside to see where the sun was, happy to be in a room with a window at least. She guessed she had an hour or two before she had to go to her uniform fitting, and after that her day of training would begin.

It would be a long day ahead of her. In fact MeiAnne had a lot of long days in store for her.