Exposé on Dragons

Dragons are ancient creatures. Just as Luaecia is an old continent, dragons have existed for longer than history was written.

Before the modern dragon, just larger than a draft horse and domesticated for military use, Immortal Dragons were considered deities to the people that existed alongside them.

There were ten Dragons, each tied to a magic and associated with a clan of people. Modern Luaecians recognize the types of magic as they have been passed down, and follow the same rules through each generation of dragon. The appearance of the dragon and magic it possesses are linked genetically.

The Blue Dragon resided in the northern tundra, next to the inhospitable glacier fields. His people were resilient despite the harsh environment. They knew not to cross their dragon as his magic was that of ice and the cold.

In contrast the Green Dragon was the southernmost Dragon. His people lived along the large river delta that led out to the warm sea south of Luaecia. The clan there counted on their Dragons magic to change the tides and flow of water, and even bring great rain storms, to aid their agriculture.

Not far from the Green Dragon, lived the Yellow Dragon and his clan. Along the western coast was a mountain range that included a volcanic range. There the clan of people would see the Yellow Dragon controlling the fire and molten rock to prevent the eruptions from wiping them out.

Following the same mountain range further north would lead to the highest and greatest peaks in Luaecia. There the Violet Dragon would be found, soaring over her clan of people. Her magic controlled the winds her people used in kite sledding to travel farther and faster.

In the interior of Luaecia was a large desert, thanks to the mountains stopping the humid ocean air from reaching it further. Here was where the Brown Dragon resided. She had magic of the earth, controlling its movement with earthquakes and creating tunnels deep into the interior.

Past the mountains and desert, across the great river that runs through Luaecia, is a large forest. The same forest that would later be MeiAnne's home, was the original home of the Black Dragon. It had magic of shadows, able to disguise herself in any shadow or darkness despite its size. She would use it to keep a watchful eye on her people to keep them safe from other predators of the forest.

On the southeastern coast was a smaller mountain range; older and more worn by the test of time. It hid many caves and caverns. In there a clan of people were led by the White Dragon. Her magic created light for all to see by in their cave homes.

Off the eastern coast was a lush island, where all the people were blessed. Their Dragon, the Red Dragon, had a magic of divinity. He was the only Dragon of the immortals that knew their reign would not last forever, however he wanted his people to exist in the present for as long as they could.

The Golden Dragon had a magic of abundance. Her clan lived on the plains north of the forest and eastern mountains. Bountiful grain grew and plenty of beasts roamed for her clan to live off of.

The final Immortal Dragon was Silver. His magic was that of fortune. Not the kind of fortune that attests to wealth, although some in his clan knew that life; it was luck and chance that his magic held power over. His people lived in the valley along the great river.

The ancient people of Luaecia saw their lives as paradise thanks to the Dragons that watched over them. They had no need to look out at the oceans and think of other peoples or lands that might be there. However, the people that lived on a continent without Dragons or paradise did not think the same.

These people became known as the Invaders. Their language was foreign and their ways were violent. They tore through Luaecia seeking a paradise they could call their own. When they came across the first Dragon, the Red Dragon, on his island they saw a blessing. Dragons, in the Invaders minds, were the tools they had been missing in their old home.

They went from clan to clan, conquering their people and taking the Dragons captive. Before they even had all of Luaecia in their grasp they learned why the Immortal Dragons were sequestered. They would mate just like any other beast of the land.

It came down to just the Silver and Gold holding out in the Luaecian interior. It is believed that the Silver and Gold Dragons fought the Invaders until their death, although that is used more as an explanation of why there are no modern silver and gold dragons.

It was also believed that the leucistic people that belonged to the Silver Dragons clan had been cursed. The Invaders convinced the Silver's clan to surrender early on, so they did not stand with their Dragon. While his magic was that of fortune, his curse was made of misfortune.

The Silver Curse was passed onto his people, tied to their genetic appearance as a dragon's magic is tied to theirs. Anyone born with silvery white hair and light blue eyes is destined to a life of misfortune. Whether it be loss of money, loved ones, or life. While many modern Luaecians claim to no longer believe the Silver Curse and call it a myth, they still abuse those born leucistic.

The Silver Curse rarely appears in modern times as leucistic genes are recessive. However, that did not stop Raba's family from abandoning him, forcing him to live as an orphan on the streets. From an early age he enlisted for his own well being. He personally only believes in the curse of the people who hurt him, and not any ancient curse.

Now most believe the Immortal Dragons have passed, due to the Invaders meddling. Although the Invaders are not viewed as villains, rather they are seen as bringers of positive change.

Up until Raba's large white dragon, no other dragon has reached the proposed size of those first bred from the Immortal Dragons. Many hope that his dragon is proof that the old traits are returning, so that dragons can once again become the ultimate tool for the military.