Chapter Twelve

As MeiAnne's training routine returned, things seemed to continue without a problem. There were even days she got to join in with the Flight drills.

She already knew that Flights would stick to a rounded out diamond pattern in flight, as opposed to birds flying in V's.

Raba was at the head and Gen held the rear position. Yama and Elan were on the left side of Raba and Gen; Tifus and MeiAnne would be on the right. She was happy to be in between two people she got along with as opposed to the two she didn't.

Yama was Yama, snide and often making comments. Elan would follow behind her and act as support, although he rarely talked when he wasn't around her.

"How are you today, Hermit?" She always had a smirk on when talking to MeiAnne. Although Yama learned not to try it when Raba or Gen was nearby.

MeiAnne just sighed and ignored her. If she responded she would be nothing more than entertainment to the duo.

"How rude, the little hermit girl is ignoring us." Elan joined Yama.

They were supposed to be gearing up their dragons to work on more drills together. Instead they were standing at the gate of Molis' stable to pick at MeiAnne.

Molis had enough of them when they wouldn't leave after a few moments. She curled up her lips and emitted a rough growl. It was low enough not to rouse any of the nearby dragons, but worked well enough at getting the duo to leave MeiAnne be.

"Thank you. I wonder if they will ever leave us alone, huh?" MeiAnne reached up to run her hand on the top Molis' head. She leaned into the rubbing and gently blew warm air into MeiAnne's face.

This was Molis' favorite way to get MeiAnne to laugh and cheer up. As MeiAnne fixed her hair and pulled it up out of her face she smiled at her partner.

Playfully Molis pushed MeiAnne with her snout and began to flick her tail back and forth.

"No! We can't wrestle like you want. You are much too big." MeiAnne sarcastically waggled her finger at Molis, who snorted a refusal.

MeiAnne felt the wind knock out of her as she fell back on the ground, bouncing some when she landed. As she scoffed in surprise at Molis her partner swayed her shoulders, ever so smug.

After dusting herself off, MeiAnne strapped herself onto Molis, taking off. She glanced down and saw Yama and Elan still rushing to harness their dragons.

She beat them to the field where Raba and Gen were waiting by a few minutes. Even though technically she was early it meant she didn't have to deal with them on her own for as long. Tifus was only moments behind MeiAnne.

"Did you think you had another day off?" Raba called out when Yama and Elan arrived last.

"No sir!" Came a quick reply from the two.

Raba sighed before instructing them to get into formation.

It was exhilarating taking off in formation. Not only could she feel the air being pushed and pulled by Molis' strong wings, but she felt the air bend to the will of all the dragons around her. The air was loud as six sets of wings worked to carry large bodies and their riders.

Nothing was more impressive than seeing Loola's giant wingspan, however. Her wing membrane still produces small rainbows, but only when she allowed herself to glide.

MeiAnne was happy she and Molis were not immediately behind Loola. Even though the drag behind her would be enough to ride on with little effort, she moved so much of the air it would be dangerous for new fliers.

Jusa would signal a turn at the exact same moment Loola would. MeiAnne assumed this was one of the things his magic allowed him to do.

That must be why Gen rode Flight Second to a general despite being so young, MeiAnne thought. Then again both Gen and Raba were young compared to all of the other officers.

The drill was a pretty simple one. Just making sure Molis and MeiAnne could keep up in formation. Soon, MeiAnne knew, they would have to learn how to engage and enemy. She wasn't sure if she was ready, or if she really wanted to see Molis attack anything besides her next meal.

Maybe if she thought about it like hunting it wouldn't bother her so much. She made a mental note to see if that was how Gen or Raba did it, or maybe she was just overthinking it all.

When they all came to land, MeiAnne hung around her friends. She waited for Yama and Elan to head off to the mess hall before bringing it up.

"Maybe? I've never been bothered by it." Raba seemed to think more after his response. "It may actually be a good idea for you though. You are a very nice person so I don't want this line of work to make your life hard."

At least she wasn't overthinking it, MeiAnne thought.

"I actually think of something similar, myself. Don't worry about it." Gen smiled at her.

The two officers led her to the mess hall so they could eat dinner together. She noticed that she wasn't minding the food as much as when she first arrived. She had nothing else to eat since she still couldn't afford to go into the capital.

They ate in silence at first before Gen had both MeiAnne and Raba cracking up.

When it came time to say goodnight Raba offered to walk MeiAnne to her barrack with Gen. Even though it was completely out of the way for him Gen seemed to encourage it.

Gen said a quick goodbye and goodnight when MeiAnne got to her door and left Raba with her. He seemed flustered. Maybe he didn't think he'd be saying goodnight alone?

"It is great having you in my Flight, MeiAnne."

That wasn't much of a goodnight, but she got nervous at him complimenting her.

"Thank you for having me." She smiled but something in her sentence seemed to fluster Raba.

"Goodnight then." He brushed his hand through his hair before turning.

MeiAnne blushed when she noticed Raba's face had gone flush. "G-goodnight Raba!" She called to him as he walked down the hallway.

He turned around one last time to wave, almost sheepishly, before quickly returning to his own quarters.

MeiAnne wondered just what she said and once again wondered what it was about Raba that made her so nervous around him.