Chapter Fifteen

The rumors turned into something more as the fall winds turned into winter skies. A report came in from the eastern coast of fires started in an attempt to drive forces out of the area. Seeing as the forces in the area were all Royal employed and not from the military the fires were all that was needed.

MeiAnne waited outside of the officers building for Raba to return from a general's meeting.

"This one is taking longer than usual. Normally they just decide who gets to go out and handle it and call it at that." Gen was growing impatient beside MeiAnne.

"Maybe they can't decide?"

He didn't seem so sure, but he nodded his head hoping nothing had gone wrong.

When Raba walked out along with the others his face looked stern, but he led MeiAnne and Raba away quickly.

"It's going to be us."

"Why don't you look happy about that?" MeiAnne did not like the look on his face.

"Just some intel we got. I don't get it or trust it." Raba sighed. "Some are calling this guy a wizard."

That was truly weird. Wizard's were made up, occasionally a role taken on by con artists wanting to make a quick fortune at the expense of gullible people. MeiAnne knew personally because one had tried to trick the woodsman in her mother's inn when she was little.

"I wouldn't worry about it." Gen sounded calm.

Raba nodded but his face remained the same.

After letting the full Flight Unit know the plan everyone gathered in formation, just like they had done for the patrol. They would be flying in quick, worrying about aiding the nearby towns and villages after they handled the Wizard Revolt as a few had coined it. MeiAnne wasn't confident enough about her first true combat to start making jokes about it yet, but she couldn't fault those that were. These soldiers had handled revolts and skirmishes like this many times in their lifetime.

Jusa stared at Molis growling at her for a long time before takeoff. When Gen and MeiAnne noticed they locked eyes. Jusa was sensing something, but they didn't know what his growl meant.

"Be careful!" Gen shouted over from his saddle.

"We will." MeiAnne replied before patting Molis on the neck. Once again her confidence shone as she stood pride, ignoring Jusa.

The weather was reported to be rough on the east coast mountains in the evening so it was all the more reason to take off fast and hurry. They wanted to catch the culprits before they retreated to the extensive cave systems to shelter from the storm.

As they flew MeiAnne wondered why they would do something so bold, knowing that it would only take a short amount of time for word to spread. As she felt Molis' muscle work as she beat her wings hard to keep up a fast pace she brushed the thought aside. Maybe she was only worried because of what happened the last time she had to fly in a storm.

As they grew closer and as the mountains grew taller and clearer, MeiAnne could see the wall of dark clouds building out on the ocean. The air was already cold, but now it felt wet and humid. Even with her thick coat it seeped through. MeiAnne held her body closer to Molis to try and stay as warm as she could as the air whipped around her.

At the base of the mountains they could see smoke pouring out from behind the treeline. The Flight Unit circled the area before coming to a landing in formation just before the area where the smoke was sighted.

Out from the trees a tall man walked out. He was wearing a thick coat, brown colored, but that couldn't hide that an emaciated body was beneath. MeiAnne wasn't exactly sure how she was able to tell. Maybe it was the way his hands looked like they belonged to a man much older than the one standing there. Or maybe it was the scrawny neck hiding behind long black hair. It could also be just how pale his skin was, either that man was ill or he had never seen a day of sun in his life.

"Are you the one responsible?" Raba yelled out, his voice deep and booming.

All the man did was nod in reply.

"Step into the clearing." Raba commanded the man. "Call out your followers as well."

The man didn't move.

Loola began to growl and all the other dragons in the assorted Flight's joined in, although no voice was as deep as Loola's.

MeiAnne saw the man raise one hand, holding it about shoulder height. His palm was open facing the clearing where all the dragons had landed. That was when the man smiled, revealing his strangely bright white teeth.

The air shook around them. Not because the ground was moving, but it was as if every molecule began to vibrate. MeiAnne looked around and saw it wasn't her imagination. Every person and dragon was staggering and swaying trying to keep their balance.

Her head shot up as she looked back at the man. He still had his palm open, but only for an instant, before he closed it into a tight fist.

Dark patches seemed to form in the air, all at human chest height. They pulsated at the same velocity the air was vibrating. With each pulse they grew and darkened. It only took moments to see there were hundreds of humanoid figures standing in a chaotic pattern in front of the man.

That was not supposed to be possible, MeiAnne thought in terror. No man was supposed to be able to wield anything like magic. Yet, that man was still standing there, smiling at them and their terror.

That was when his voice rang out. Despite his appearance and menacing nature, his voice sounded like dark caramel in tone. It was smooth and clear. It did not sound like it belonged to a man that was ready to commit treason.

"Bet you didn't expect this." His laugh followed.