Chapter Eighteen

Despite winter rolling in meaning time had passed, MeiAnne hated seeing the snow start to stick. Every snow drift she saw would remind her of the day she lost Molis, and it took everything in her not to run when her memories would flash by.

Her new role for the Luaecian army was a Human Resources Officer. It moved her out of general barracks and into the officers building. She was thankful as it meant she rarely had to walk out and see others with their dragons.

It also meant she could see Raba more. Her days started earlier, having to sit at a desk filing paperwork from just after dawn until the evening. It was menial work, always repetitive, but she welcomed a distraction.

At least once a week Raba would wake up early to bring MeiAnne breakfast at her desk. They would eat together up until he had to leave.

"You have a wonderful day." That morning, just like every morning he ate breakfast with MeiAnne, he said that instead of goodbye.

As he threw on his heavier jacket, darkened leather with thick layers of fur, MeiAnne smiled. He looked so good in anything he wore. She blushed when Raba returned her smile as he left her. She would love to have a whole day, just the two of them, but he was a General and couldn't ignore his Flight.

Gen had a harder time visiting her, but he would still make time when he could. It was usually later in the evening. MeiAnne was so glad to have a friend like him. He was always making her laugh, and she needed it more than she had before.

As the days drew closer to a day she had been dreading since she heard everyone had to be present, her mood kept worsening. She didn't have any motivation to be there and in fact, she thought, it was cruel to make those that lost their partners attend.

"It's mating day tomorrow." Gen knew she didn't want to go.

"Did you have to remind me? I was thinking of oversleeping." Even though MeiAnne put a smile on her face, Gen saw through her attempt at humor.

Gen wrapped his arms around her. "Once I'm free I'll make sure I stand right by you. Raba would say the same if he could."

As Gen let go MeiAnne wondered if she'd even get any sleep at all that night.

Her new room in the officers building wasn't as large as Raba's room but it was definitely more comfortable than the room she had in the barracks. The bed was larger, the walls were painted, she had a seating area, and a dressing area with a closet. Before she would've loved that the windows looked out towards the landing field, but she mostly kept the curtains down.

She stared at her ceiling for most of the night. Her mind would not stop racing, dreading the next day. She would have to watch as dragons start the first day of the mating season. The coming of mating season was the only thing keeping Raba and the other General's from tracking down that man.

MeiAnne thought she was supposed to be angry or upset every time he came across her mind. Maybe it was just because it's what she had been used to seeing from others. Instead she grew curious. Who was that man? Where did he gain those abilities? What does he want?

She pondered the mysterious man all the way up until she saw the sky start to lighten past her curtains.

She sighed when she stood up. Everyone was fitted and assigned a dress uniform when they were enlisted, and this was the first occasion MeiAnne had to wear it. Her down mood returned as she dressed herself. She wouldn't have been able to watch Molis start a mating season this year anyway, but she would've been a part of the celebrations. All young pairs would fly over the celebration down below.

When she was dressed, she paused to look herself over in the mirror. She pulled lightly at the skin below her eyes in hopes of hiding the bags under her hazel eyes. Her dress uniform was very similar to her old flight uniform, only instead of a white undershirt and harness, she had a light blue undershirt and cross straps that tied through a pair of small epaulettes. She knew that the blue was selected because she had been flying a blue dragon, but looking at it now felt like a thorn in her side.

As she was finishing up with her wavy hair, which she was allowed to leave down, she heard a knock at the door.

"Would you mind if I come in for a little bit?" Raba asked before MeiAnne could even fully open the door. Instead of replying she just stood out of the way and motioned him in.

"Thank you."

She followed him in, and expecting them to act just as they would in his room she sat in one of the two chairs in her seating area. This time instead of the closeness she had grown used to he remained standing a few feet before her.

"So I had a talk with the Admiral as he is here for today's festivities." All MeiAnne could do was nod without trying to look confused as she waited for him to continue. "If Loola comes to clutch this term I will be allowed to select who gets to hatch an egg from it."

"Okay." She sounded breathless. He knew it hurt her more than words could describe knowing that new dragons would grow before her eyes and she couldn't watch with Molis by her side.

"You. I want you-" He paused for a moment. "I want you to hatch one of Loola's eggs."

MeiAnne couldn't contain herself. She jumped up and threw her arms around Raba, burying her head in his chest.

"She has to come to clutch first. I just couldn't go without telling you any longer." She felt his arms wrap around her as he lowered his head to speak into her ear.

His breath moved through her hair, and she was very aware of every where they were touching. MeiAnne lifted her head from his chest without releasing her hold.

"Yes?'' Raba was looking down at her, slightly flushed himself.

MeiAnne was originally staring into his pale eyes, but found it hard to keep her eyes from his lips. She knew her face was flushed, but that didn't bother her.

"Mind if I?" Raba took one arm off of MeiAnne and used it to gently grip her chin.

Once again she didn't have the words to respond. Instead she leaned forward into a kiss.