Chapter Fifty-Five

"Oh um," Louise cleared her throat, "yes my husband and I found that, we longed for each other more when I was with child."

"Oh," I said and laughed, "I thought I was going crazy."

"Not at all Your Majesty."

"Do you plan on having more children?" I asked.

"Oh um, I'm not sure. My husband's been away for a few years now. I had to tell him about our second child by letter..."

"R-really?" I asked.

"N-not that I'm complaining Your Majesty! I'm grateful my husband is able to serve his country during the war and that he's remained safe."

"I hope all our men will be able to return home safely very soon."

"Yes...should I leave so Your Majesty can read?"

"Actually, I have something else to attend to. Please resume your duties."

"Yes Your Majesty." She said and bowed.

I go out to the training grounds to find Maximus and ask a favor of him.

"Y-Your Majesty." He turns to bow when he sees me and the rest of the men follow suit.

"May I have a word?" I asked.

"Y-Yes Your Majesty. How can I be of service?" He asked.

"I'd like to bring Louise's husband home. I think a visit is long overdue."

"Yes Your Majesty."

"You can speak freely...if you've something to say."

"Well, I'm sure many of the servants' husbands are...longing for home."

"And showing favoritism would reflect poorly?"

"N-no but we could arrange for the visits of more than one husband...if it pleases Her Highness."

"Could you coordinate all that? It wouldn't be too much?"

"I could ask my Lieutenant for help and...we could be discreet if Her Majesty so desired."

"That would be great. I'd love for it to be a surprise."

"Consider it taken care of Your Majesty."

I was feeling happy just thinking of the heartfelt reunions that would happen in the weeks to come. I found myself humming as I worked throughout the rest of the day.

"What has you in such a good mood?" I hear and turn around. I smile and run up to Aidan.

"Aidan." I say and hug him.

"Have you forgiven me then? For my selfish request earlier?" He asked.

"Actually um," I say as I step away and look up at him, "I'm sorry for being so up and down lately. I think its-"

"No need to apologize. The physician already warned me of that side affect as well."

"Oh." I say and take a deep breath. "Well I-I think you're right. Y-you go d-down on me s-so I sh-should do the same f-for you." I avert my gaze because I think I'd catch on fire if I didn't. I can still see his eyes wide from the corner of my eyes.

"I-if you're really okay with it." He says.

"C-come back to our chambers tonight after your meetings and..."

He groaned as he moved closer to me. "You'd have me wait several hours still?"

"Think of it as a reward for making it through your tedious duties." I say and look back up at him.

"How will I concentrate knowing you're waiting for me?" He asked.

"You'll find a way."

The day seems to go by so slowly. Was it the anticipation of what I'd agreed to? The cloudy weather? That I spent the afternoon brushing up on my etiquette? Or perhaps some combination of the three.

"There's my gorgeous wife." I hear and turn around.

"Ai-Aidan." I blush when I see him.

"Embarrassed already?" He asked as he stepped towards me. "We haven't even begun."

"Y-yeah b-but I've never..." My face felt like it was on fire. I turned away as I covered my face with one hand.

"That only makes it all the more enticing." He took me by the hand and pulled me into his embrace.

"I-I want to know something first."

He seemed surprised but he agreed.

"W-what happened to the intruders?" I asked.

"That's what you're thinking about?" He asked.

"I think about more than just sex when you're around you know!" I exclaimed.

He chuckled. "They're still in the dungeon being questioned by some of the guards."

"H-have they revealed anything about why they were here or what they wanted?" I asked.

He sighed. "Much to my frustration they have revealed very little."

"T-then m-maybe I can a-alleviate s-some of those frustrations." I say as I reach for his pants and start to nervously untie them.

He let out a moan. "I've been looking forward to this all day...b-but if you don't want to then that's ok too."

I smiled. "I-I want to, I-I'm just nervous."

"Don't be nervous." He says as he pulls me in to kiss me. "You can stop anytime if you get uncomfortable."

"O-ok." I say. "S-should I start or-or-"

He chuckled. "I'll lay down on the bed so you can be comfortable too."

He pulled me to the bed and picked me up to lay me down onto the bed. He pulled his pants off and got down on the bed next to me.

"You really don't have to." He said as he pushed hair away from my face.

"Shut up." I say, he seemed surprised by my response. "J-just lay down and en-enjoy yourself." I pushed him down to the bed, he was smiling all the while.

I bent down and started going down on him. I had no idea what I was doing but Aidan seemed to be enjoying himself.

"Watch the teeth Ari." He said so I wrapped my lips around my teeth a little better. "Mm better." He said as he grabbed at my side. I kept going even though my mouth was starting to hurt until he finished. I spit it out in a cup by the bed and turned around to look at Aidan.

"D-did I-" I started to ask but he pulled me to him. I was too embarrassed to ask again.