
Kuno kept what he found secret and met back up with leo, the girl with light purple hair which he thinks is kami and Mr. Shuji early in the morning before everyone else arrived. Mr. Shuji mutters to himself "class 1-A really is cursed" the door to the dorm opens and a tall woman with long red hair tied back into a ponytail walk in a said in soft but sophisticated voice "Hi if you don't know me I am you principal Ms. Isa, I understand what happened here, we would like you to not tell the other students but the rest of your class will be informed of what happened later today. The pros and police will look in to it further, if you do not wish to go to school to day we understand".

The three wait in the common room until it was time to leave then walked to school. Kiato walked up and accidentally scared kuno "you ok? your very jumpy" he said with a worried voice "yea I'm fine you'll see when we get to class ", when they arrived Mr. Shuji and Ms. Isa were at the top of the class and preceded to explain what had happened that morning it was found that the man who broke in to U.A. was a member of a group of villains known as Live Wire, he was named Rockslide.

Rockslide, Quirk: Material control

He can touch a material an control a limited section of it.

A very well built young woman with long ginger hair and blue eyes asked what the man wanted, Ms. Isa answered by saying "we don't know why he was hear" this was a shock to kuno and leo because they know why he was there it was for that briefcase, Kuno, Leo and Kami were asked to talk out side of the classroom. Mr. Shuji said to them "we think that someone in class 1-A is an ex member of Live wire" through this kuno stayed quiet but when Mr. Shuji was about to go back into the classroom kuno said quickly "sir I think i know who it is" Mr. Shuji looks surprised and concerned "I think it's kiato sir"

"He has a secret compartment in a set of drawers that can fit a briefcase and there was a card left there with the symbol of Live Wire" "I have been informed of your situation so I believe you Kuno, we will need evidence, that will take a week or so please play it cool for now" Mr. Shuji replied "ok" kuno said saddened by the reality of the situation. The day continued as normal, they did a training circuit to judge everyone's strength and use of quirk, through the day kuno was very distant from kiato but when the school day was over he felt that he was giving it away so he did what does best, lie.

"Kuno you ok you've been very quiet" kiato said with concern "yea I'm fine just still a little taken back by what happened" kuno replied happily "good, now let's introduce are selves to some nice ladies" "don't be a perv" they jokingly teased each other walking back to the dorm, they both spent time with there classmates and then went to bed. Two days passed as normal just normal class then on the third day "Good morning class today you will be choosing hero names".