Lightning Vs Fire

"we should just go to the top floor" kuno said before they were told to enter "yea it seems that everyone else has put the bomb on the fifth floor" a loud horn sounded signifying it was time for them to enter the building "do you want to climb up the side of the building?" kuno asked looking at leo "yea" leo covered his left arms in iron but his right arm covered in diamond by the look on his face he didn't mean to do it, because the material on leo's arm is like a second layer of skin he can shape the second layer in whatever he wants so he made it in to claws.

Leo then jumped and dug his claws into the wall but kuno just activated his quirk and ran up the wall and burst through a window on the fifth floor, he looked out the window at leo "come on slow poke" as the shards of glass lit on fire and exploded. Kuno wiped around and saw kiato standing there "fire and lightning" kiato said trying to sound menacing "very, very frightening" kuno

said making fun of him as leo burst through the same window as kuno "guessing you got kiato?" leo said while reshaping his arms into shields.

Kuno just smirked "I'll take that as a yes" leo then ran at kiato to get past but kiato grabbed a weapon that was attached to his hip and flicked his wrist as this hilt extends into a sword that he handles with experience, he took a swing at leo but he blocked it with his arms. Leo went around the corner of the hall, kiato looked kuno dead in the eyes as he gripped the sword and the blade erupted in flame "that looked so cool" kuno said the obvious "yea I know, It feet cool" kiato said with a grin "ready?" kuno activate his quirk which made the lines in his suit glow with dark blue electricity and it crackled up and down his body.

Leo surched the 5 floor and when he opened a door he was smashed in the face by a frying pan "OW, kami do you think your a Disney Princess?" leo said in his normal emotionless voice while rubbing his face "no, your the princess" kami said putting the frying pan on her shoulder. Mr. Shuji asked Ms. Mako "were did she get a frying pan?" "I really don't know". It was a stail mate between kuno and kiato until kiato grabbed three wood balls out of a poutch on his waist and threw them at kuno but he dodge them with ease, kuno looked back at kiato he was making a finger gun gesture before the wood balls behind kuno exploded sending kuno flying towards kiato.

Kuno coughs and started picking himself up off the floor "gunpowder in the balls and remote activate them with your quirk, smart" kuno then runs towards kiato and in a flash kicks him in the side of the head throwing him into the wall. Kiato stands up and reignite his sword and swings at kuno who narrowly dodges it "we both know each other's moves, we've trained with each other for years, were evenly matched" kuno said looking at his friend "but I've got a few new tricks" kiato said pointing at the pouches on his waist "yea well so have I" kuno said as electric gathered at his hand and he fired a lightning bolt at kiato sending him flying backwards down the hall.

"That was dirty" kiato said with a smirk he then through three more wooden balls at kuno but kuno grabbed them off the floor and held them behind his back "I know you can't activated them without sight" "really" kiato said then a horrified look formed on kuno's face as he dropped them but before they hit the ground kiato set them on fire making them explod throughing kuno toward kiato as he punched kuno in the face wonse he was in range. Kuno thought to himself "so its serious".

He stood up and placed a hand on kiato back fast enough so he couldn't react and discharged a huge amount of electricity sending kiato towards the window but before going out the window kiato set fire to the front of his suit making an explosion canceling out the force of the discharge he skidded across the floor and turned around revealing that the chest of his suit was in tatters and the marks the lightning left on his chest. "not getting rid of me that easy and also..." he looked at kuno "looked were your standing" a circle of gunpowder surrounded kuno and kiato snapped his fingers.

Leo starts to attack kami but she easily dodges using her quirk "you know you can't hit me" kami says while still dodging attacks "well your quirk is a part of your self so continually using it will hurt your head" leo replied still throwing punches but kami is surprisingly nimble and agile. Leo throws a punch then runs to the bomb but kami slides in front of leo making him trip "I can see were your going" she said taping the side of her eye, leo thought to himself "ok a flash of 3 seconds then when its up another flash" he circled kami "she sees me hit her and dodges accordingly.... I got it"

leo starts to throw a punch that she could easily dodge then at the last moment changes it which hits her in the stomach then she slides across the floor looking confused "so it worked" leo said looking at his fist. "How did you do that?" kami looked at him wide eyed "you get a flash of three seconds then you see me hit you then change to dodge the attack but if you dodge the attack in the flash you match the stance you were in, I change instead of missing you I hit you. Your not the only one who can change the future"

As he says the last words the wall beside them shatters in a massive explosion, leo lookes to see kuno covered in ash and clothes singed and burned. Kuno had a look of anger in his eyes and gritting his teeth as electricity gathered around him

"I'm going to fry you, bird" kuno's voice reverberated as if two voices said it at the same time, kiato was scared to death the last time he annoyed kuno this bad he... doesn't remember that was weird to kiato because he definitely made kuno this mad at least once before but while he was thinking kuno ran and taped him using the white tape and started to breathe in and out"calm, you're lucky I didn't throw you out the window" he spun around and pointed at kiato.

In the shock of the explosion leo ran over and tapped the bomb "hero's win" was blasted over the sound system, "oh shuji Isa text me, she wants to see me in the school can you take it from

here?" Ms. Mako pulled out her phone and started at Mr. Shuj "sure" with that Ms. Mako took her leave and left the training ground, "alright you four come back to the control room" Mr. Shuji said over the sound system and they started to walk to the control room.

"Ok clover, mimic is out time to move in" a man was standing on the roof of one of the fake building near by the four, he pressed the communicator in his ear "got it" as he jumped down and landed behind the group of four.