A Needed Conversation

Kuno was on his computer finishing up homework that had been set for that week when heard a knock at the door.

Kiato stood there staring and burning a hole through kuno's skull, "hello?" kuno said confused as to why his friend was staring him out "is anyone in your room?" kiato asked with a tone that matched his stair. "No?" "good" kiato said while pushing his friend into his own room, he quickly shut the door.

Kiato stood in front of kuno with little distance between them "I know we've been friends for a long while but I don't feel that way about you" kuno joked about how close they were but was snapped at by kiato "stop joking, be serious and you know I like kami" "about what? you locked me in my own room" 'I'll make fun of him later for what he said' kuno thought with a smirk but It quickly fell "about what you said in the infirmary" "oh" as silence fell.

Leo was walking back to his room when he heard a door slam and quickly realized it was kuno's, he walked up and heard the confrontation happening inside. He ran to get kami because she needed to know what was happening too and definitely not because leo was a sucker for drama.

"Why didn't you turn me in?" Kiato said breaking the silence but the tension remained "do you want nakano's answer or kuno's?" surprised by this kiato muttered that he wanted both.

Putting on a happy go lucky voice but still filled with sadness"I didn't want to lose my best friend" this must be kuno's answer kiato thought.

His face changed to a more serious but understanding "because we are one in the same" at this kiato snapped his head up to his 'friend' "I know how you feel holding a secret that would make everyone hate you if it got out, to be a puzzle piece that doesn't fit" "how are you like me? I've robbed, stolen, hurt and.." even with anger in his voice kiato choked on his own words.

"killed" kuno finished kiato sentence, he spoke in a calm voice.

"and who told you to do all that kiato, my family. It still blows me away that you don't think I've done the same things. Do you think that was the first time Negative has gotten control, no! And back then I couldn't hold him back" kuno said trying to still be composed

"But that wasn't you, it was Negative! I did my own crimes" kiato shouted

"a devil" kuno said out of the blue "what" "your devil in the Hitari family is what you think is a bad thing for my father and sister there devil was weak and would be nice and would want them to do good things, there inverse or 'Negative' " kuno continued

"Wanting to be a hero but being born in a villain family, that's just asking for trouble. My 'family' tried to break me, get me to hate heros, to make me think I'm too tainted to be a hero. I was a late bloomer for a quirk, so for nine years Negative didn't exist. I was forced to kill someone at eight years old, then nine but after those traumatic experiences my quirk came to me and so did Negative. yea I was forced but for you, you had to or you wouldn't survive"

Silence, as kiato tried to absorb everything he heard kuno finished talking.

"When I said were one in the same I meant it, we...we are villains...standing in a school full of heros" he smiled "but we'll change that and become the heros that we want to be" a few tears fell from kuno's eyes.

Two people were standing outside the door listening to everything, one in tears the other showing the same emotionless face but also trying to get a picture to use for blackmail.

"LEO TAKE THAT PICTURE AND I WILL SMASH YOUR PHONE" kuno had seen a silver head of hair hiding behind a phone "you two get in here" kuno's tone was like a disappointed father "what did you hear?" He said while drying his eyes, kiato doing the same.

Leo answered "we heard everything and don't worry we'll keep your secrets" leo and kami pulled the two into a group hug. After some time kuno pulled away "I will ask you this question and we will accept any answer but it won't be long before my sister finds a way to mess up our lives" he pointed to kiato and then himself

"So if- no when she makes her move will you two come with me and kiato to where ever we have to go" Kami was hesitant and so was leo he still couldn't put aside what kuno did. Kami still had a loving family and could she really leave them at the drop of a hat when something happened. Both were still unsure but thought that by the time came they would know, so they said "of course".

'Well then, guess it's time to prepare for the coming storm' kuno thought to himself as the night came to an end.