Slut of the year

"Money can't buy happiness." Many people said. But if heartbreaking circumstances left you with no choice, would you choose to be a martyr or would you be a wise woman?

Call me anything you want, but I would do everything for the sake of my younger sister. I don't care what people would say about me.

This is my life. This is the path that I've chosen. Whether it was the good or bad decision I've ever made, I would stand until the very end—even if it would only lead me into unforgettable heartache.




"Andy Carter!"

I was thinking about my little's sister operation when he called my surname during the conference meeting with the company's stakeholders.

Just like on that day, my body weakened, my heart skipped a beat every time he summoned me out of nowhere.

Everyone turned their gaze on me, whispering to each other like I committed a mortal sin before their eyes.

"What are you doing?" he asked me from a distance that urged me to hold tightly the white folder that I've been holding since the meeting started.

His thick, black brows furrowed and that was a sign that he's an impatient boss of thousands of employees. And before he turned into something dark and violent, I quickly ran towards him, held back my breath.

I replied stutteringly, "I… I am sorry, I… I'm not used to being with a lot of people in one p-place!"

My voice cracked, but I must pretend that I'm not intimidated by all of them. "B-but… but why did you call me, Mr. R-Realm?"

"Take a seat next to me. You're my assistant and you should be always by my side," he said mischievously.

Through his cold, serious expression, I know there's something inside of his head that would blow up my mind like what he did on that day.

However, despite the fear that he would always give to me, my heart filled with joy and excitement. I didn't exactly know what it means, but working with him made me happy.

"I'm sorry for that short break, my new assistant is a little bit intimated by your strong presence. I hope you'll stop staring at her or I will stop this meeting. Do you understand?"

All stakeholders quickly looked away from me. I didn't know that they were all staring at me since I entered inside of the well-ventilated, cold room with my boss.

Until a long silence took place for seconds. No one dared to speak, to move, and to peek at my way or they would all be dead for sure.

Lisandro Realm took a deep breath and I barely smelled his fresh breath. His cold composure made him the most powerful businessman in the country.

Before he started the meeting, he pulled the chair close to him. "Write everything, Carter, and keep your mouth shut!" he whispered into my ears that forcing me to nod my head slightly.

A playful smile flushed on his lips that I haven't seen for a while. It was strange, but I should stop myself not to look at him before he turned into a dangerous man.

"That's right, Andy. Stop looking at him or else, you will be the loser when the game is over." I thought.

However, while everyone was listening to him, I didn't notice that under the table his hand crawled into my thighs. I sighed, forcing myself not to moan or I'll be doomed right now.

I held tightly the black ballpen and tried to write what he was saying. But Lisandro caressed it softly that made my whole body weak.

"Oh, shit! What I'm doing?" I whispered. I looked down at the floor as I bit my lower lip.

"How is it, Carter? Do you want more, huh?" he asked me while he was looking at somewhere else.

I would be a hypocrite woman if I would say no to him. Lisandro is a perfect man and if I have another chance to meet him, I would grab that chance no matter what it takes.

"Answer me, if you don't want me to stop."

Even it was hard to control a burning sensation that wrapped around my body, I gave him a fake smile instead. "P-please L-Lisandro… d-do-don't do this r-right here!" I begged, but he seemed pleased when he saw me that way.

Not until he reached the sensitive spot without asking my permission. I gulped, leaned my arms to the table before me but still, I couldn't hold on to this feeling anymore.

The more I tried to control it, the more it became stronger and wilder.

"Fuck! It's w*t down there, Carter!" he said loudly that shocked everyone inside of the room. "I can't stop myself either." Lisandro effortlessly grabbed my leg and placed it on his lap.

My face turned scarlet. He did something under the table and in front of his business partners. I wanted to disappear and vanish like a wind, but I didn't have the privilege to do so.

Lisandro swallowed greedily that flaunted his manly adam's apple. And I didn't get why I liked the idea of him—craving for more in return for a large sum of money and despite the heartbreaking possibilities.

"If you don't have further concerns, then this meeting is now over," he said coldly while he was playing with my womanhood.

"You're acting strange, Lisandro. Don't tell us you're starting to love your new assistant, isn't it?" The man with white hair asked him an insulting question, but I felt glad that he stayed calm and cold.

While we were both waiting for everyone to go back home, Lisandro picked up the phone on the table and called someone immediately.

His mood suddenly changed. From wild, aggressive, and dominant became too cold and mysterious which made me sad as well.

It has been two weeks since he hired me as an assistant and slave. And it was the first moment I'd seen him quite—like he was possessed by a ghost.

"Come with me! That old man ruins my day." he finally uttered a few words that warmed my heart and soul.

Lisandro Realm held my hands tightly like I was his girlfriend. I just let him pull my arms that lose my sanity every single day with him.

We walked out of the conference room, all of the female employees looked into our way with both disgust and hatred in their eyes.

They were spreading information about me—about us, but everything was just merely a lie and speculations. I would never deny that I sold myself to him— if someone would courageously ask my side.

However, two employees rolled their eyes on me the moment I met their gaze. It was an ordinary scene, but one of them said things that hurt my feelings.

"Here's the new slut of the year. Holding Lisandro's hands as if she's not a cheap girl and gold–digger!"