A change of mind

Like a burning touch, a warm hand gripped my wrists, pulling me away from those three musketeers who suddenly accused me of stealing Lisandro Realm.

I couldn't believe his charisma even reached every corner of this place and it seemed typical for him.

His cold, poker face didn't change since the moment he saved me. His eyes were only filled with emptiness despite having everything he wish for.

While we were walking into the hallway surrounded by other employees, I looked up at his face, listening to the terrific sound that came from my chest.

Lisandro was quite good-looking, ensnaring and every woman would fall for him. The way he carried himself was the greatest thing that a man must possess. I was about to look away when he stopped walking, breathing for air.

"I'd been waiting for you in my office! Thank God I arrived before they attack you!" he said shockingly.

He then cupped my face, turning it side by side, searching for any wound and bruises. He looked like a worried boyfriend who would always protect his lover no matter what happened. And for the first time, I saw something real through his glinting golden-brown eyes.

I felt uncomfortable, swallowing thirstily while the employees around looked into our way, creating new stories about the two of us.

I sighed. Closed my eyes in disbelief and touched his arm gently, "Let's not talk about it here, Sir. Everyone is looking at us right now!"

Trying to calm my system down, I bit the bottom of my lip, squeezing my hands like an orange. I hoped he would consider our privacy, yet, Lisandro continued searching for nothing.

It was an embarrassing moment in my life. Being with an honorable person, surrounded by his employees was beyond my expectation. I used to be in a place where no one could recognize me and I would be laughing out loud freely like it was my property.

But suddenly, I held back my breath when he looked straight into my eyes. He was breathing heavily as deep as a well. He frighteningly shook his head upon seeing something on my face.

He said, "Y-you got a small cut on your left eye." He was calm, but his deep, husky voice wanted to kill someone because of their wrong deeds. "Come with me! I'll treat it first before heading to the beach with you."

At the moment, I was left speechless, halting my system from glorifying. "I… I thought y-you're only fooling me around when you told it earlier!" I told him.

Yet, Lisandro just shrugged off his shoulders. Held my hand tightly that completely paralyzed my mind because of shame and guilt.

'How could he violate rule number 2 when it was written broadly?' I thought.

I was certain that it was still a violation, but why do I feel secure, safe, and sound every time he was around? I must stop myself from giving meaning to his simple, scripted actions. I should keep in my mind the last, controversial rule in the contract – falling in love is highly forbidden.

That was right. Signing the contract became the key for my sister's second life and this time around, I would be more careful, a loving sister, father, and mother to her.

As I was thinking about Andrea's operation, a deep sigh embraced me, knowing that we had finally arrived at his dark, yet cozy office.

Unlike earlier, a tall man was wearing a black suit. He stood straightly which gave me an idea that he was Lisandro's new guard if I was not mistaken.

He wiped off his face desperately. Walked onto the shelf, looking for a first-aid kit. "Sit down!" he suddenly ordered.

It stopped me. And for a couple of minutes, I just found myself bent slowly and seated on the chair.

"Hmm, he's too persistent," I whispered. Crossing my legs as nothing happened to me. Well, it was not serious and it was probably because of that uneven bangs-girl earlier. "Tss, I know it would happen. After all, they were saying the truth about him."

I narrowed my eyes. Took a deep, heavy breath, waiting for him.

"What are you mumbling about?" he asked.

"About the three musketeers, why?" I lazily replied like everything was fine.

Lisandro opened the first-aid kit, ignoring my question. The way he furrowed his brows, it seemed he knew them personally. But he was right, we were both prohibited to dig up about our private life.

I said, "I'm sorry! I… I almost forgot rule number 4."

My soul wanted to know about those girls but I thought, there would be a perfect place and time for the moment of truth. Right now, I must wait and hope for Andrea's fast recovery.

A long silence filled around the well, painted room with a good-looking guard on the right corner. The window was closed and I couldn't see the entire city because he liked gloomy places.

It almost suffocated me. I used to stay outdoors, appreciating the beauty of nature, the chirping birds, and the warm, blue sky.

Unlike him, he always chose to isolate himself from a bright, soothing place that was quite strange. Most of the stress, problematic people wanted a stress-free place, and yet there he was, running away from it.

"Close your eyes and stop rolling your eyes on me."

"I am not!" I said furiously.

Lisandro put something on the small wound that calmed me down for seconds. It seemed like oil or whatsoever until he covered it with a band-aid.

He said shortly, "Open your eyes…," he bent his knees low, trying to meet my gaze. "You still looked beautiful," he whispered, but I pretended that I didn't hear anything.

Like a cool, powerful phoenix that came from the ashes, I met his deep gaze, holding back my breath. I must show how strong I am in front of him and if he was thinking that I was the same as other crying women, his speculation was completely wrong.

I hate troubles, but if it was beyond my control, I would do everything to keep the small part of my dignity after losing most of it on that day I sold myself to a naughty CEO.

I grabbed his collar close to my face, staring hostilely at his lips. My hands trailed off from his face, down to his neck until I stopped and put my hands on his hard chest.

"Shall we… go to the beach?" I asked him, biting my lower lip.

I thought he would push me away, but out of the blue, Lisandro kissed me passionately. "I'd changed my mind, Carter," he whispered into my ears and softly planted kisses on my neck.