Hopeless woman in the woods

Lisandro and I agreed to stay on the rooftop for some time. We both cherished the soothing view that could only be seen in the middle of the woods.

Once we get back to the busy and populated city, we won't feel this cold, fresh air that came from the trees. The blooming flowers and the chirping birds brought life to the wilderness.

At that moment, I leaned back to him as he stood behind me and his hands were on my waist. It was a romantic move that I'd been longing for.

He sighed, caressed my hair as the wind blew a few strands of them.



I thought he was up to something the moment he called my name. However, he didn't say a word that dismayed me.

I had no right to be mad at him. That's why I'd chosen to be silent and watched the entire woods with a smile on my lips.

"Can I kiss you?" he asked.

I gasped upon hearing it. Perhaps he was hesitant at first, that's why he remained quiet rather than trying it again.

He was waiting for my approval while his hands caressed my stomach filled with butterflies.

Should I let him? I was doubtful as we were in his parents' territory. It made me anxious enough because I didn't want someone to see us kissing aggressively on the rooftop.

"R-right here?"

My heart beat too fast as I controlled myself not to fall into his trap. He asked me for one kiss, yet it was hard for me to decide.

"Yes. Don't worry, no one will stop us," he told me and I realized that he wanted it so bad.

There was no other way to resist his charm. I'd tried my best; to be persistent enough, but I always ended up in his arms.

Right then, he turned me around and looked intently into my eyes.

He said, "Look at me, Andy."

I felt nervous as if it was the first time we'd kissed. I didn't know it would feel this way despite everything we did since our first meeting.

"Look at me, please."

"I'm scared. I'm scared, Lisandro!"

He quickly cupped my face and comforted me with those warm touch. "Don't be scared! I'm here, I am here next to you!" he whispered to my ears.

He was right. There was no reason to be scared because he was with me. He was there to protect me no matter what happened.

Unknowingly, a warm fluid flowed to my cheeks that surprised me. It made me cry—Lisandro made me cry like a little girl with great dreams.

"Shh, stop crying now. I'm here and I won't be going to leave you."

Lisandro pulled me closer to his chest and embraced me tightly somehow taking away fear in my heart.

That was the perfect moment to grant his favor. Slowly, I push him and looked into his tantalizing eyes without a blink of an eye. It felt real. Everything about us seemed real.

"Lisandro," I spoke.

While my heart filled with butterflies, I bravely stooped and kissed him passionately. It surprised him until he kissed me back gently.

After the surreal moment with him earlier, Lisandro brought me to our room. He told me to take a nap while he was going to discuss something with his parents.

As far as I remember, it was quarter to one in the afternoon when I fell asleep and it shocked me when I checked the time again.

"I slept for six long hours?"

I couldn't believe that it was seven in the evening already. It felt like I slept for thirty minutes only.

Damn! Time is something valuable to me and I would be frustrated if I only wasted it for nothing.

"Where is he? He should have to wake me up and cook for dinner!"

That was one of the things that in-laws usually impressed for. I sighed in disbelief until I saw my purse on the side table.

As quick as it was, I grabbed it and searched for my phone inside. Fortunately, I'd found it right away and dialed Lisandro's number.

It was ringing and I wondered what he was doing at that moment.

"Pick up the phone, Lisandro! Come on!"

I'd waited for a couple of minutes, yet he didn't still pick it up.

I had no other option but to get up off the soft bed and fragrant mattress. I didn't have so much time to look around the entire room because of him.

But the moment I walked towards the door; I heard a scream that came from somewhere nearby. I wasn't certain if it came from the forest, but I had a strong feeling that it was a woman, asking for help.

With no hesitation, I quickly grabbed the doorknob and opened it. I had to tell Lisandro! I had to ask for help and save that woman.

As I ran towards the living room, I could hear the loudness that came from my chest. It was pounding too fast and maybe, the woman who just screamed felt the same way as me.

However, the moment I'd reached the place, there was no one around that seemed a little bit strange. The house was too huge for a small family like them.

It would be impossible to find anyone of them at this moment.

"Where are they?" I murmured as my face was covered with sweat.



I shouted, trying to get his attention, but there was no Lisandro who came and appeared before me.

At that moment, I looked around and searched for a flashlight. Darkness had just devoured the forest and I needed a source of light.

I'd searched every corner of the living room, yet I didn't find anything. There was only weird stuff on the drawers and sharp tools inside of the cabinet.

"Damn! Of all times, Andy!"

I kept searching until the hopeless woman in the woods suddenly screamed desperately. It was loud enough to be heard by everyone, but no one came out and helped the woman.

Everything that happened the moment I woke up was strange and I hoped I could save her before it was too late.