A Naughty Dare

Lisandro's half-blood brother suddenly grabbed my arms and gritted his teeth because of anger. He was more aggressive than his brother. But it didn't matter.

He took a deep breath as he strangely moved his head without a blink of an eye. It was nerve-cracking, yet I remained calm despite his alluring charm.

He said, "I thought you're a wise woman."

"I am and we don't need your approval, Mr. arrogant!" I replied and rolled my eyes at him.

Everything changed the moment I looked into his eyes. It was filled with hatred, resentment, and revenge that showed assuredly.

Honestly speaking, I could not deny the fact that he looked like Lisandro despite their different touch. They looked like each other from head to toe despite the small differences. Still, the blood flowing to their veins was the same and strong.

His brows strangely furrowed made him a good-looking vampire. Those thick brows and eyelashes were completely perfect that would weaken a woman's knee.

"What did you just call me?" he asked and tightened up the grip on my arm.

Even though he was only controlled by his emotions; I knew deep inside he was a good man—a good brother to Lisandro.

"You're arrogant, dominant, and jealous of your brother! You're not supposed to feel that way, Mr. Realm."

His golden-brown eyes glinted. The grip on my arms loosened as I thought he'd realized everything. He sighed and bowed his head embarrassingly. Wavering either kill me or not.

But with no single word that came from his mouth, he turned around on me with deep breaths. I was surprised when I saw his broad shoulders before me. It only reminded me of Lisandro.

It would be Lisandro, always.

"How could you say that when you know nothing about us?" he asked.

At some point, he was right. How could I be so sure of the thing which I didn't perceive before? It was easy to question someone who lived in despair and darkness for how many years without an adequate inquiry.

As elders would always say; to understand someone's emotions is to be in their shoes and peel off their skin. It was an old saying, but I could somehow relate to it.

"How ironic, isn't it? You jumped into a conclusion without knowing the real story behind it!"

"That's not what I meant!"

The living area was filled with deafening silence after I shouted back at him. He must open his eyes widely to see the real beauty around him. To appreciate the life he must take good care of until death fetched him.

A gaudy sound repeated countless times as I tried to catch my breath. My whole body was trembling and I only hope it would end sooner or later.

Unexpectedly, he turned to me, and like a flash of lightning, he grabbed my waist and pinned me down to the wall. His eyes were glinting while he stared at me.

Those deep stares had brought me to the lowermost of the sea. I was drowning by his irresistible gaze and he has no plan of withdrawing it.

He then moved his head closer to me. Breathing heavily like a tired fly. "What if I steal you from my beloved brother? It would be an interesting game, am I right, Andy Carter?"

I didn't dare to face him. It wasn't the right thing to do and I should convince him to move away before Lisandro arrived.

"Stay away from me!"

With all my strengths, I pushed him away, but he used his strengths too. Until a smirk flaunted on his face that quite suited to him. He looked handsome when he smiled and I didn't know why I noticed it other than other things instead.

He quickly chuckled, but it vanished before I could see his perfect, set of white teeth.

"I said stay away from me! I don't want Lisandro to think that I am flirting with his beloved, but arrogant brother!"

"If you don't stop calling me arrogant, I won't hesitate to kiss you! Dare me," he told me coldly, and damn, I'd smelled his fresh, minty breath.

But desperation led me to be naughty and hard-headed. I slightly shook my head and chuckled that surprised a cold, dangerous creature.

I said and stuck out my tongue like a little girl at him, "You're arrogant and you can't change the truth anymore!"

His porcelain skin suddenly turned scarlet when it caught off his guard down. He couldn't believe that a human being dared him in his territory with no hesitation.

It was maybe beyond his expectation and I couldn't blame him for that.

I thought everything would come to an end, but with just a snap of a finger, I'd found myself in his arms. He moved too quickly as it couldn't be seen of a human eye.

"Lisandro will be back home any time soon. And I wonder about his reaction upon seeing us this close!"

"Let go of me, now!" I said as I raised my voice at him.


"Don't fucking annoy me, asshole!"

I couldn't help but curse right in front of him. He wasn't arrogant, but he looked like an asshole too. I regretted that his arrival frightened me off.

If only I'd met him earlier, I should have asked Lisandro about his arrogant, half-blood brother. He should have warned me that there was a fatal man inside of the mansion that could hurt and flirt with me behind his back.

Right then, he grabbed my head and tried to kiss me.

He forced me. He was damn strong and it was hard to stop him from succeeding.

"Stop!" I said as I tried harder to free myself from his lethal grip.

But I'd underestimated him. I was about to kick off the sensitive part of his body when he effortlessly avoided and moved aside.

Probably, he'd played hundreds of woman's hearts before. His moves and actions were cool that sometimes caught girls' attention.

"I'd warned you, but you just provoked me, young lady!" he said and that was the moment I saw Lisandro at the front door.

Damn! He probably saw that last attempt of his brother. But he didn't kiss me! I was able to avoid it and I didn't know what to do next.

"Go back to your room, now!" Lisandro told me coldly.

"No! It's not what you think, Lisandro!" I replied, but he disappeared before I could explain what had happened.