The worst argument

Tristan deepened the kiss. I tried to push him away from me, but he was stronger than me.

"Stop... stop it, Tristan!" I yelled at him, trying to find a way out from his restricting grip.

The more I tried to run away, the tighter he held my waist. I didn't know what to do with him right now.

All my strength vanished. My knees were trembling because of great shock.

Like why would he kissed me? I thought it was merely a deep, serious conversation. But it turned out this way.

I knew Tristan's cold behavior since before. He wasn't type of man who would grab someone else wrist, pinned her down to the wall.

It made me tired and weak. He was much stronger than what I think.

"Please... please stop it now!"

Finally, I set myself free from him. We were both catching our breath until my right palm touched on his cheek.

Damn, what did I do?