This is a passion work. So, I would really appreciate it if you leave behind a review when you're done reading.



The Emissary and John left the parking garage. They went up to the ground floor and sat in the lounge. They were waiting for the arrival of the Haram Boys. A few minutes later, they heard cars coming to a stop in front of the building. The Emissary smiled at John and said,

"Looks like our guests have arrived. Shall we go meet them?"

John nodded his head. Then, both he and the Emissary stood up to meet the new arrivals. When they reached the front door, they saw three cars of different sizes and make. About 15 men came out of the cars. They were all dressed in the same manner typical of someone from the northern part of the country. When these men saw people with guns walking out of the building, 14 of them surrounded one in their center. The man had a red-white striped cloth around his head. When the man saw John, he waved his hands and the group dispersed behind.

"Welcome, my friend. Hope your journey was smooth." The Emissary said.

"Cease with the pleasantries, Let's get over with. My brothers await my return on the battlefield." The man replied, clearly not interested in wasting any time. The Emissary also wanted to finish this quickly, so he nodded and made a welcoming gesture for the man and his group to enter the building. They made their way to a conference room on the first floor of the building.

When they entered the conference room, there were three men already there. Two Caucasians and one East-Asian man. The two Caucasians had a heavy-duty briefcase each by their feet.

The Emissary turned to the leader of the Haram boys group and asked, "Do you have what we discussed.?"

The man signalled to the person behind him carrying a briefcase. The male opened the briefcase on the table. In it, there was a 50cm long stone rod. The Emissary looked to the two men carrying the briefcases and they both opened their cases. In one case, were what looked like blueprints, some sort of device components, and C4 explosives. In the other, was a canister with a danger symbol on it(A skull with x crossed bones underneath).

"This is the blueprint for assembling the equipment we sent to you. There are also components here so that our technician can practically show you how to assemble them. For safety sake, I would hold on to the trigger." The Emissary said pointing to the first case. "And this is the last piece you will need to complete it." He said pointing to the other briefcase. He continued,

"However, we need to confirm something about the rock you've brought to us using this piece if you don't mind. In exchange for granting our requests, with the aid of the NDz, I have captured some men who can help you shed some light on your goal." The Emissary looked towards John hinting for him to corroborate what he just said. John nodded his head to the Haram boys group Leader. The man hesitated a bit before nodding. The man that opened the nuclear material briefcase walked up and took the rod-containing briefcase. He connected a radioactivity meter to the nuclear material and noted its reading. He then placed the rock gently on the nuclear material. After waiting for a few minutes, nothing happened. The Emissary shook his head in disappointment. The man packed up the equipment and closed all the briefcases.

"It seems the rock is not what we are after. However, our deal remains. You can take back everything including the rock. It's useless to us." the Emissary said, shocking everyone present not part of his group. He smiled at their surprise before he continued,

"To further thank you for your efforts, allow me to introduce you to someone." He directed everyone's attention to the thin East-Asian man behind him. "This is Adjudicator. He is an expert in 'acquiring' information from otherwise unwilling individuals within a short time. If you don't mind, why don't you let him help you acquire the information you need from those soldiers?"

The group leader sized up Adjudicator. He decided to agree to the Emissary's proposal because he knew it was going to be difficult to get information out of the soldiers even if they were in the Haram group's hands. Hence, he nodded his head. The emissary then nodded to the Adjudicator and the latter worked out of the conference room, making his way to the storage room where the soldiers were kept on the underground floor.

"Come now. Let your man follow my technician to see how the device is assembled."

Minutes Earlier.

The Bravo team had quickly rushed to the location of the tracker. They took the car Alpha team drove to the port in. This time, Temitope drove very fast. He knew time was of the essence. They arrived at the location and found it to be a four-storey(Five floors) office building. Its surroundings were clear with no other buildings in its immediate vicinity. There were, however, elevated grounds a little further back behind the building. Korede Balogun said to the team,

"We have to act fast. Abdul-Lateef, Champion, both of you should go set up at the elevated ground behind the building. It should provide enough cover and vantage for you. Here Champion, let me have your gun while you take mine. Set off immediately." He gave his M27 IAR and M2010 ESR to Champion while the latter passed him his HK416 rifle. The two then made for the sniping position quickly.

"Mary and I will infiltrate the building and rescue our people. The moment we do, I want both of you to attract their fire to the front of the building. Make sure nobody leaves." Korede instructed Fatima and Temitope, who nodded in acknowledgement.

They were on a clock so nobody bothered to argue with his decisions. The four checked their weapons and gear. They were waiting for Abdul-Lateef and Champion to get into position before moving. This was so they could warn them or give directions from their better vantage position. Very soon, They were in position.

"Bravo 3 (Bravo 4) in position." They said.

"Any sightings of Alpha team?" Korede asked

"Negative. Alpha team not in sight."

"All right, Copy. Cover us. We're moving"

Just as they were about to move, a convoy of three cars arrived in front of the building. Luckily, the team had parked their car away from the building in a blindspot or they might have been seen. They saw as the Haram Boys men came out of their vehicle. As the group move to protect their leader in the middle, Fatima recognised the man

"That's Yakubu Dongoyaro. He is a very close confidant of Sharawy." She said.

"Seems the Haram Boys are in play. The man in the suit over there is John. He is an NDz mid-level boss. So that must mean the Caucasian man with him is the Emissary." Korede said.

"Look, one of the Haram boys is carrying a briefcase" Mary pointed out.

"That should be one of the packages. It looks like we are at the right place. Let's go rescue Alpha team and mess up their meeting, shall we?" Korede said. The team nodded in reply and moved to the positions as the hostiles moved into the building.

The building was surrounded by a 2 meters high fence. The Underground garage entrance was located at the back of the building.

Korede and Mary made their way along the side of the fence to the back of the building. Korede wave towards the direction where Abdul-Lateef and Champion had set up their sniper's post.

"Bravo 1, hold position. Hostile patrol at the entrance."

Korede and Mary waited. After a while, the patrol moved away from the entrance.

"Bravo 1, all clear. Proceed with caution."

Korede nodded to Mary and they scaled over the fence. Champion or Abdul-Lateef could have shot the patrol but that could have alerted the enemy, so they decided against it. As Korede had said, they were facing a lot of enemies. The element of surprise and stealth were their only allies.

The infiltration duo made their way into the building through the garage entrance. Once in, they saw two hostiles. One was very close to the entrance, just a few feet from them. The other was further in. They were cars in between the two that could be used as cover so the infiltration duo decided to risk it. Korede carefully made his way behind the hostile close to the entrance. Once behind, he wrapped his arm around his neck from behind, placing him in a sleeper hold. He jumped a little and wrapped his leg around the waist of the man as he choked him causing both of them to fall to the ground by the side of a car. This caused them to be out of the line of sight of the hostile further in. By the time the hostile turned to find his colleague missing, he walked close towards the car to investigate. While Korede choked the patrol to death, Mary moved and used the car as cover to flank and get behind the incoming hostile. She shot him in the back head and fell to the ground. At the same time, Korede had choked the man to death. He broke his neck for good measure. They both took the hostiles' guns and wore it on their backs with the gun straps. Korede then nodded towards Mary.

They moved forward and saw a staircase. At the other side, they saw two guards standing in front of a door. Since Champion and Abdul-Lateef had not reported any sightings of Alpha team, they might be on this underground floor. So, they decided to take out the guards and check behind the door.

They were about to shoot when they heard Champion's voice from their comms,

"Bravo 1, Bravo 5. Be advised, Tango making his way over to you."

They both held their fire and hide behind a car. They saw an East-Asian man make his way down the stairs. He took a metal wheel table and rolled it towards the door. The guards opened the door and let the man in. Three men walked out from behind the door and went up the stairs.

Korede and Mary both looked at each other in relief. If they had shot the guards, the people inside might have noticed something and that would have lead to a gunfight, throwing away their element of surprise. Even now they didn't know how many men were still behind the door. As they were hesitating whether to shoot the guards, they heard a scream/roar from familiar voices,

"Wike! Wike!! You are DEAD!! I'm going to kill you"

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Sorry, no rambles for this chapter. Too tired. The chapter is more than 1.5 my normal chapters. See you next chapter.

[A.N: Please, don't forget to leave a review of the work to encourage me. Your opinion really matters to me.]