This is a passion work. So, I would really appreciate it if you leave behind a review when you're done reading.



Early Hours of the Next Day.

Jonathan Duke had not slept a wink. Most of the higher-ups of the NDz had also not slept. They were all trying to figure out a way to put out the fires set by the A4s and Saints.

Their reputation was already being affected as some gangs whom they were negotiating some deals with all over the country were having doubts.

The Duke tried to get in contact with the two gangs to explain the situation to them to no avail.

The NDz had tried to push the matter on the Mob but they had quickly denied it. Claiming that the NDz was trying to play a blaming game instead of owning up to what they had done.

No matter how the NDz explained how it didn't make sense for them to do what they had been accused of; how they didn't know anything about the matter; how they were innocent, The underworld didn't believe them. It was more inclined to believe the two smaller gangs who lost a lot of their members. Not to mention that these members were important to the life of the gangs, to say the least.

Thus, by extension, it didn't believe that the Mob had anything to do with this and believed the NDz were trying to trouble-shift.

To settle this matter, or at least manage its effects, the Duke had to get in contact with the two gangs. While Jonathan was contemplating how to do this, Chike entered.

"We just got back from our contact in Law enforcement. He confirmed that the fingerprints belong to a DSS agent. According to him, official documents says that the guy is on leave. However, he found security camera footage that showed him mingling with the Okafor brother's gang. The Okafor brothers are low-level guys that run errands for Chidozie and his side business.

On our part, we tried to find the Okafor brothers but we couldn't find them. It looks like their gang have disappeared into thin air since yesterday."

"So, should we assume the DSS has Chidozie? Then it looks like he talked. Otherwise, I can't think of another way the location would be known to a stranger."

"That's weird, sir. This doesn't seem like something the DSS would do."

"Hmm… You are right. Something else might be going on here. It seems only by finding this mysterious 'disposer' can we fully understand what's going on."

Jonathan had a nagging suspicion that the DSS agent that sent him the video and the man who called himself 'disposer' were related. There was too much coincidence for his liking.

Once again, Chike's phone rang. His face darkened as he ended the call after a few moments.

"Now what?" The Duke asked.

"It looks like the gangs have made their move. Last night, your accountant Adeshina was taken from his home. All his bodyguards were killed with only the security at the gate surviving after being knocked unconscious. All signs point to the A4s and Saints."

"They dare?! Are you sure it's them?" Duke asked as he rose from his seat.

"Aside from the tell-tale symbols left on the scene, the security claims to have heard a shout from his assailant before going unconscious that points to the two gangs."

Jonathan Duke banged his fist on the table in rage. "I was trying to settle this amicably but it looks like I'm being taken for a joke. " He said. He released a hot breath before saying to Chike, "Try to get in touch with them one more time. Let's give them a last chance. If they don't accept, then it means we go to war. A sheep asks what the sleeping leopard can do. Now, the leopard is awake, the sheep will see what it can do.

In the meantime, find out where the DSS is holding Chidozie. Also, how much he has told them."

"Alright, sir."

'First, it was Peter and Esther. Now, it's you Oziomo Okoh. You're all taking me for a ride. Fine, I'll show you all the side of me you want to see.' Jonathan thought as a glint of ruthlessness flashed in his eyes.


A Few Hours Later.

Korede woke up in the Safehouse apartment. He saw a message on his phone from Special Agent Ndike telling him to call when he was awake. So, Korede called the man.

"Hello." He said.

"Hello. I just wanted to let you know you were right. The NDz tried to track the gun you left behind at the Delta Night Club. We were able to track those who ran the prints." Special Agent Ndike said.

"Those? As in more than one?"

"Yeah. The prints were first ran at the local police. Then another search was made in the Onitsha branch of the DSS of all places. Thanks to that, we were able to confirm the moles in both organisations. The accounting ledger also gave conclusive proof of their involvement after we were able to identify them."

"That's good. That takes a bit of pressure off my back."

"True but remain vigilant. While we aren't yet sure about the DSS, the NDz will probably have more than one mole at the local police. We are trying to decode the ledger as we speak, it might take some time."

"Copy. Why don't you get the owner to decipher it?"

Special Agent Ndike chuckled. "We can't. I don't know what you did to him, but the doctor said it seems he was too terrified so he's remaining unconscious. He advised that we let him wake up naturally in a few hours. We decided not to wait and began working on deciphering the ledger."

"I didn't do anything to him. I just asked him some questions before knocking him out. He was probably scared by the shoot-out that happened beforehand."

"Alright. Whatever you say, Operator." The man continued to chuckle.

Korede shook his head with a bitter smile. He was probably going to get infamous for scaring a man so much he refused to wake up.

"Anything else?" Korede asked.

"Yeah. It seems the NDz believe Chidozie is with the DSS. From the look of things, even if we release him, the NDz will kill him as the Duke probably blames him for their current predicament since it's obvious he talked.

Knowing this, he had no more problems enlightening us on their operations. The info he shared with us will be a good help in the grand scheme of the Op."

"That's good then. As for the moles, I suggest we leave them be for now. Since we can arrest them at any time, why don't we make use of them? We can use them to feed the NDz false intel or something.

Anyways, as I'm sure you know, an identified spy is no longer a threat. If anything, they can be turned into an asset." Korede said.

Before he could reply though, Special Agent Ndike was interrupted on the other side.

He said, "Operator, standby. Receiving new intel." After a while, he continued, "I just received news that the two gangs' reinforcements have arrived. Also, they agreed to have a phone call with the Duke. It's not looking certain what they would do anymore. We can't be sure of what moves they'll make. What are you going to do then, Operator?"

"Hmm… For now, I'll proceed as before. I don't think they'll change their minds that easily. Anyway, just to be sure, I'll go give them one more push to make sure they don't get cold feet." Korede replied.

"Alright. In the meantime, HQ has established a plan of attacking the NDz branches in other parts of the country under the guise of opposing gangs leveraging on their current predicament."

"That's good. I should also be wrapping things up here in a few days."

"Well, that'll be all for now. As always, good luck and happy hunting."


The call ended.

[So, that's why you left the gun behind. You wanted it to be tracked.]

'Yeah. The gun's not mine. I picked it up from one of the Okafor brother's crew members. I had Special Agent Ndike create a fake profile for it in the DSS agent database such that if anyone ran the gun or the fingerprints on it, the profile would come up making the person searching the database think the gun belongs to a DSS agent. At the same time, the NDI would be alerted and they'd be able to track down where the database search was coming from and who was responsible for it. It was a relatively simple plan.'

[Yeah. A simple bait and trap. You just have to sit back and wait for the prey to present itself.]

'Exactly.' Korede chuckled.

Around 10 am.

After numerous attempts to make contact, Jonathan was finally able to arrange a meeting with the heads of the two gangs through an intermediary. It cost him a lot of money because the NDz was a hot potato right now. No one wanted to do much for them, lest they be judged to be in the same camp and be dragged in the same mud as the NDz by their enemies.

Luckily, however, the universal saying 'money makes the world go round' came into play here. While they weren't any gangs ready to intervene for the NDz as a favour, there was one who was ready to intervene for a price. A relatively very large one in fact.

When Jonathan first found out the gang that was willing to help him, even if it was for a price, he was shocked. This was because the gang was the Nigerian Mob. It was only when he heard the asking price that he understood the other merely wanted to take advantage of his predicament.

If not to save his and the NDz reputation, Jonathan Duke would never have paid such a hefty price.

Ironically, it was also when he heard the hefty asking price that he put his mind at ease that the Mob wasn't trying to set him up. Gritting his teeth, he paid the enormous price and was able to arrange this meeting with the two gangs.

Of course, due to the lack of trust between the parties involved, the meet would not be a physical one but rather a phone call at an appointed time.

The appointed time of the call closed in. Oziomo Okoh, Azuka Okoh, Ada Adesuwa and one of his subordinates gathered in a room. They sat around a circular wooden table with a wireless telephone on it.

After the death of Adesusu Amadin, his second-in-command Ada Adesuwa became the De facto leader of the A4s. At the same time, he had promoted one of his subordinates to his former position.

Like Adesusu Amadin, Ada Adesuwa was a little rash and hard-headed. He was pone to solving matters with his fist rather than his head. Immediately he heard about the incident, he called for war.

With someone else championing for war, Oziomo Okoh was able to calm down. The lifetime conservative was starting to have second thoughts about this war. After he had a chance to look back at the matter after being freed of the torments of Korede's killing intent, he began to realise somethings that didn't add up. This was why he agreed to and convinced the others to hear what the Duke had to say.

Very soon, the phone rang. Oziomo Okoh pulled back from his thoughts. He took a breath before looking at the others in the room. He nodded to them and they replied in same. Oziomo Okoh answered the phone.

"Hello. This is Oziomo Okoh. You also have Ada Adesuwa." He said.

He only introduced himself and Ada Adesuwa because only they had speaking rights. The others were just there to observe.

"This is Jonathan Duke speaking." said the voice on the other side of the line.

"What do you want to say to us, Duke?" Oziomo Okoh asked.

"I don't have much to say. I want you to retract everything you've said and call off this war of yours. I don't know about what happened at the meet. I had nothing to do with it. I certainly wouldn't sell contaminated products nor did I have anybody kill Adesusu Amadin or anyone else to cover it up. Someone is trying to frame me. I just don't know who yet but when I do, I will give you a pound of his/her flesh. That's all I want to say."

Oziomo Okoh frowned.

Although he knew the Duke was arrogant, he never expected him to be this 'nonchalant' in his explanation.

There was something else. The suspicion he had was growing.

Perhaps due to the Duke's attitude, he was beginning to increasingly feel the man was telling the truth. To him, the Duke spoke like someone who felt it beneath him to beg or lie about something. He didn't care if the two gangs believed or not.

As various thoughts swelled in Oziomo Okoh's head, the simpler Adesusu Amadin was already seething in anger. Enraged, he said, "That's all you have to say. Not even an apology? You're not even owning up to something you did. So this is the face of the Duke of NDz." The last sentence was said in ridicule.

"I have nothing to apologize for nor was I responsible for anything. This is the underworld, Adesusu Amadin can only blame himself for not being able to walk out of the warehouse. Also talking about owning up to your deeds. You attacked my accountant and yet you don't dare own up to it. So, this is the face of the A4" Duke said in disdain.

"You bastard. Stop trying to change the conversation. What accountant is missing? You killed our leader and you dare say it was his fault he died. Fine, we'll go to war. When I kill you, it'll be your fault you died." Ada Adesuwa said.

"Are your ears for decoration? I just told you I didn't kill your boss. You think your boss is special. If I had killed him, I would have called you to let you know.

You seem to be misunderstanding something. Do you think I'm afraid of you? I'm only trying to avoid a conflict because it's bad for business. However, I've had enough of this. If it's a war you want, it's a war you'll get. I'll make you regret this." The Duke said before hanging the phone.

The rage on Ada Adesuwa's face intensified while the frown on Oziomo Okoh's face deepened. He was almost certain the Duke had nothing to do with what happened at the meet.

With his arrogant character, he wouldn't be denying doing the deed. Rather, as he said, he would let the gangs know, sort of like daring them to do anything about it. He was not afraid of anything or anyone. Someone like that would not lie about what they've done. He decided to share his thoughts with the others before they make a rash mistake.

Alas, the grim reaper had already signed his name.

Before he could open his mouth, a bullet went through the room window and into his skull.

He died instantly.

Almost two kilometres away, Korede was looking through the scope of his sniper rifle.

[A.N: Please, don't forget to leave a review of the work to encourage me. Your opinion matters to me.]