CH94:  Truth Behind the War

This is a passion work. So, I would really appreciate it if you leave behind a review when you're done reading. Also, don't forget to vote with those power stones.



"When are your people going to be done with the mine? I'm not sure I can keep diverting attention with this farce of a religious war. The army has stepped up is offensive and I'm almost out of men." Sharawy said.

"Just that? Don't worry. Just hold on for a week longer and we'll send over a few mercenaries from Senegal and Mali. I'm sure your men's morale will be boosted by the support of fellow 'Jihadists'." The man said.

"That will help a little. You should hurry up though. The sooner you're done with the mine, the better. I can't shake the feeling the Army is getting close"