CH113:  Balogun

This is a passion work. So, I would really appreciate it if you leave behind a review when you're done reading. Also, don't forget to vote with those power stones.



As early as her childhood, Mrs Shade Balogun had been diagnosed with a somewhat severe hormonal disorder.

Fortunately, most of its effects had been benign and could be managed; some through the use of drugs, others through exercise, diet, and other lifestyle choices. On the other hand, a few of the symptoms had been malignant.

Hence, Mrs Balogun had been forced to follow a strict and discipline health regimen

Senior Detective Balogun was shocked and confused. Even with all her health issues, this was the first time she collapsed so suddenly.

He was very alarmed.

" Shade! Shade!!" He called to his wife but silence was the response he got.